Study Accountancy EffectivelyHow to study Accountancy? Most of the students take Commerce and get entangled in answering this question but are not prepared to put in efforts required. Here are some suggestions to tame the subject:

  1. Be regular

Be regular in school, don't skip class, don't skip an assignment as the accounting concepts are all related like if a students understand the basic terminology , only then he can understand the rules of accounting.

If he understands rules, he can understand to prepare Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance and so on. Cramming any topic without basic understanding will not help to understand Accountancy.

   2. Try to understand

Accountancy is based on logic. So, try to understand the concepts rather than memorizing. Understanding the terms, then accounting rules, Journalizing, ledger posting etc. are the processes that are basic to Accounting but cannot be done without understanding. Understanding makes Accounting an interesting process.

  1. Try to apply rules

No question in Accountancy can be done without the accounting rules. So, whatever you do, apply rules. Cramming can land you into trouble if you forget the things, but deep understanding of rules will be there to solve every problem however difficult it is.

  1. Ask your teacher

If you are attentive in class, listening to your teacher properly, jotting down main points but are not following something, don't hesitate asking your teacher the point you have not understood, as the problems will accumulate and become difficult to handle later on.

  1. Practice is the key

Though Accountancy is based on rules and you have understood the rules, it is the subject that requires lot of practice. If you solve fifty questions, there can be a fifty first question set in the exam. Every single question solved by you should give you satisfaction.

  1. Keep in mind your future goal

If you don't feel like studying accounting you need to motivate yourself by thinking about what you want to become that you had thought of becoming when you opted for Commerce. Don't forget the saying, No pain, no gain.

How to study Accountancy?


