Q      Which managerial function is the most activating function?

Q      What do you mean by directing?

Q      What are the elements of directing?

Q      Explain the characteristics of directing.

Q      How is directing a continuous process?

Q      What is the importance of directing?

Q      Explain the principles of directing.

Q      What is supervision?

Q      Write the importance of supervision.

Q      What is the role of supervisor?

Q      Define the terms: motive, motivator and motivation.

Q      Explain the features of motivation.

Q      Give the meaning and example of positive motivation.

Q      Give the meaning and example of negative motivation.

Q      Explain the steps in the process of motivation.

Q      How is motivation important for the management?

Q      How is motivation helpful in fighting the problems of absenteeism and labour turnover?

Q      What is the contribution of A.H.Maslow towards the management?

Q      What are the main assumptions of Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory of needs?

Q      What are the types of needs as given by Maslow?

Q      What are the main points of criticism of theory of needs as given by A.H.Maslow?

Q      What are financial and non-financial incentives?

Q      State the levels at which different type of incentives are important.

Q      What is leadership?

Q      What are the features of leadership?

Q      What are the qualities of a good leader?

Q      What is the importance of leadership?

Q      What do you mean by communication?

Q      What are the steps or elements of communication process?

Q      How is communication a two way process?

Q      How is communication a circular process?

Q      Is communication complete without feedback?

Q      What do you mean by ‘noise’ with reference to communication?

Q      What do you mean by formal communication?

Q      What do you mean by informal communication?

Q      Write the types of formal communication on the basis of expression of message and on the basis of direction of flow of message.

Q      What do you mean by grapevine communication? Why is it called so?

Q      What are the types of networks of formal communication?

Q      What are the types of networks of informal communication?

Q      What do you mean by barriers to effective communication?

Q      What are the different types of communication barriers?

Q      Give the suggestions to overcome the barriers to effective communication? Name the process of exchanging ideas ,facts and information?

Q      Name the element of directing under which sub-ordinates share his views with his superior.

Q      Which type of communication takes place between superior subordinates in the office?

Q      It is concern with instructing, guiding and inspiring people in the organizations achieve its objectives. Name it.

Q      Every manager from top executive to supervisor performs the functions of directing. Which characteristics of directing are referred here.

Q      It take place throughout the life of the organization irrespective of people occupying managerial positions. Mention the characteristic of directing highlighted here .

Q      “Directing is the least important functions of management”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Q      “Directing is not at all reinsured in an organization” do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Q      “A supervisor is not at all reinsured in an organization” do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Q      “The post of supervisor should be abolished in the hierarchy of managers”. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Q      It means overseeing the subordinates at work. Which element of directing is referred to, in this statement?

Q      Supervisor acts as a link between workers and management. How?

Q      Which element of directing helps in inspiring subordinates to give their best to the organization. Explain any three points of importance of this element.

Q      Under these incentives schemes employees are offered company shares at a set price which is lower than market. Which incentive scheme is mentioned here?

Q      To satisfy the social and psychological needs which type of incentives are needed? Explain four types of such incentives.

Q      It is defined as the process of influencing other people to work willingly for group objectives. Mention this element of directing.

Q      Name the type of formal communication in which the persons of the departments, one at a higher position other at lower, communication with each other.

Q      Name the type of written communication in which two departmental heads communicate with each other.

Q      A and B are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time B informed A that due to computerization many people are going to be retrenched soon from the organization. Name, which type of communication is this?

Q      There are some barriers in communications, which are concerned with encoding and decoding of message. State any three such barriers.

Q      There are some barriers in communications which are concerned with organizational structure and regulations. State any three barriers.

Q      There are some barriers in communication which are concerned with the state of mind of both the sender and the receiver. State any three such barriers.

Q      Name and explain the last steps of communication process.

Q      Name the grapevine network in which an individual communicate with only those people whom he trusts?

Q      The employees of HCL have formed a dramatic group for their recreation. Name the type of an organization.

Q      Mr. Nijjar, a sales manager, achieved his sales targets one month in advance. His achievement was displayed on the notice board and a certificate for the best performance was awarded to him by the CEO of the Co. Name the incentive offered to the employees.

Q      In an organization, all employees take things easy and are free to approach anyone for minor queries and problems. This has resulted in everyone talking to each other and thus resulting inefficiency in the office. It has resulted in loss of secrecy and leakage of confidential information. What system do you think the manager should adopt to improve communication.

Q      Mr. Harshit is a production manager in a leather manufacturing unit. He is very strict and does not have cordial relations with his subordinates. So, the subordinates always feel they are under stress and they are not working in a good environment. The subordinates always take least initiative and fear to express their problems or suggestions before Mr. Harshit. What do you think is wrong with Mr. Harshit?

Q      The marketing manager delegates the task to five sales representatives working under him. Among them the three sales representatives were able to achieve their respective targets. As a result the marketing manager talks to the CEO of the company to recognize the performance of the three sales representatives. The company decides to upgrade their cadre and their salary package also. Name and explain the element of directing function which the company assures the three representatives to achieve their targets.

Write the values followed or ignored in the following cases:

Q      A Supervisor hears the suggestions and also implements the good suggestions while taking decision for the employees?

Q      In an organization the good environment, refreshment Corner and entertainment rooms have been made for all employees.

Q      In an organization the employees are being paid fair remuneration and productivity based bonus.

Q      A liquor manufacturing firm provides liquors to its employees at cheaper rates to motivate them.

Q      In an organization, informal communication is stressed instead of formal communication which results in non reaching of proper communication to proper person in proper time. It results in either non completion or delay in work.

Q      A leader solves the problems relating to work and the personal problems also of the followers.

Q      Mr. A is a management professional for the last 10 years. In a recent assignment for an infrastructure company, he advised his client that he must take care of handicap people while constructing commercial or residential properties so that they do not feel troubled while moving around in those buildings.

Q      There is a get together in an organisation where only selected few employees are invited who are close to top management of the company.

Q      Mr. Kalsi works in a company where he is usually required to sit late hours due to excessive work load. One day his son was ill and he wanted to have an off to take care of his ailing son but his boss refused to give him leave.

Q      A Company appoints Mr. Rajat as supervisor of their production  department. He is kind and guides his subordinates. He clarifies their doubts in performing the task. This helps the worker to achieve their targets. As a supervisor, what functions will you perform to cope with the situation. What positive values exhibited by Mr. Rajat?