Topics for Business Studies Project - Class 11Topics for Business Studies Project - Class 11

There are misconceptions in the minds of most of the students about the project work, may be in any subject. They think that it is concerned with making the Project File in the form of a Crafty Article made after writing some content on the topic along with colourful pictures, ribbons, flowers, sequins etc. but it is not like that.

The project work is concerned with giving the feel of an activity that the students have studied in their books. They should get the experience of involvement which can be done individually or in small groups.

Students of Class 11th can go for selecting any one of the following topics for developing their project work. Many more topics can be suggested on the given lines.


Topics for Business Studies Project - Class 11

Topics with * have been specifically suggested by C.B.S.E. in the syllabus. For these topics detailed guidelines for conducting study have been mentioned. Students can check the detailed C.B.S.E. guidelines.

  • Visit to a Handicraft unit. *
  • Visit to an Industry. *
  • Visit to a Wholesale market: vegetables/fruits/flowers/grains/garments etc.*
  • Visit to a Departmental store. *
  • Visit to a Mall. *
  • Case study of a product with seasonal growth but regular demand like apples, pineapple, tea. *
  • A visit to any State Emporium (other than your school state) *
  • Aids to Trade - Taking any one AID TO TRADE. *
  • Study of export/import procedure of any article. *
  • Steps taken by a sole proprietor in setting up his business unit.
  • Steps taken by a partnership in setting up its business unit.
  • Study of a Joint Hindu family business.
  • Study of the working of any cooperative society.
  • Business Ethics as followed by different business units like company.
  • Survey of banking services performed by a bank in the locality.
  • Study of postal and courier services.
  • Study of agency services like advertising, packaging etc.
  • Survey of the popularity of credit cards issued by different banks.
  • Study of a small business unit regarding source of finance.
  • Study of small traders in your local market.
  • Comparative study of two wholesalers, two retailers, two courier agencies etc.
  • Study of weekly bazaar in a locality.
  • Study of franchise retail store.
  • Study of the steps in the online shopping and its problems.
  • Comparative study of two different E-commerce websites.
  • Comparison of Online shopping and Traditional shopping.
  • Problems of women entrepreneurs in business.
  • Survey of waste/garbage disposal by a business enterprise.
  • Study of traders selling goods on the footpath.
  • Study of traders selling goods on bus stand, railway station.
  • Comparative study of two retailers selling the same product in the same market/locality.
  • Suggestive Marketing Project

Project Work in Business Studies Class 12

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