
I have  come  across  this  very  innovative,  informative  and  useful  website which gives all the information as well guidance to the students of commerce.

The commerce students studying in 11th and 12th standard could not have asked for more. The site provides detailed and comprehensive answers to all their questions and queries.

The education these days has become highly competitive and the students have to remain on their toes to stay ahead in this competitive scenario.

With all the gadgetry at their disposal the students are able to access the information from the internet. They are no more dependent on the classroom teaching alone. But, there is dire need that the search process is made easy and simple. This need is being fulfilled by this website for the commerce students.

In addition to the normal coverage of the syllabus, I find it useful that the website also provides facility for signing in and addressing their questions/queries for which they can get personalized replies.

There is also a facility for searching a particular topic, thus enabling them to find the answers with ease and in double quick time.

I would like to thank and congratulate the promoters of this website not only for popularizing the subject, but also making it easier for the students to understand it better and consequently, enhance their performance.

It is a great beginning and I am sure with the passage of time more attractive features will be added to the website and it will become more popular with the students.

Dr. Sumati Kanwar

Retired Principal