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Effect of 50 Transactions on Accounting Equation

Accounting Equation is also known as Balance Sheet Equation as already discussed in the previous article on Balance Sheet Equation. Here is the break-up analysis of 50 transactions given below, showing the effect of these transactions on Capital, Liability and Asset.

Students can use C + L = A or A - L = C but C + L = A is preferred as it aligns the normal Balance Sheet columns.

The presentation of the effect of transactions can be given in horizontal or vertical form. Here, only horizontal way has been given. Either way the effect is same.

Here’s a breakdown of 50 sample transactions along with their balance sheet equation effects (Assets = Liabilities + Equity):


Effect of 50 Transactions on Accounting Equation

  1. Started business with cash.

Cash - Asset - Increase

Capital - Increase

  1. Started business with cash, bank balance.

Cash - Asset - Increase,

Bank – Asset- Increase

Capital - Increase

  1. Borrowed loan from State Bank of India.

Bank - Asset – Increase,

SBI’s loan – Liability - Increase

  1. Borrowed loan from a friend.

Bank - Asset - Increase,

Friend’s loan - Liability - Increase

  1. Purchased machinery for cash.

Machinery - Asset - Increase,

Cash - Asset - Decrease

  1. Purchased machinery for cash, payment made by cheque.

Machinery - Asset - Increase,

Bank - Asset - Decrease

  1. Purchased furniture, payment made by accepting a bill of exchange

Furniture – Asset – Increase,

Bills Payable - Liability - Increase

  1. Purchased goods, 50% payment made by cheque.

Stock – Asset - Increase,

Bank - Asset - Decrease,

Creditors - Liability - Increase

  1. Goods purchased on credit, now returned.

Creditors - Liability - Decrease,

Stock – Asset - Decrease

  1. Sold goods for cash.

Cash - Asset - Increase

Stock – Asset - Decrease

  1. Sold goods on credit.

Debtors - Asset - Increase

Stock – Asset - Decrease

  1. Sold goods, 50% payment received in cash.

Cash - Asset - Increase

Debtors - Asset - Increase

Stock – Asset - Decrease

  1. Payment of an instalment of State bank of India’s loan.

SBI’s loan – Liability – Decrease,

Bank – Asset - Decrease

  1. Bills Receivable received from a debtor.

Bills Receivable – Asset – Increase,

Debtors – Asset - Decrease

  1. Deposited into Canara bank.

Canara Bank – Asset – Increase,

Cash – Asset - Decrease

  1. Withdrew from bank for office use.

Cash - Asset – Increase,

Bank - Asset – Decrease

  1. Withdrew from bank for domestic use.

Drawings – Capital – Decrease,

Bank – Asset - Decrease

  1. Payment of wages, rent by cheque.

Wages and Rent – Capital (Expenses) – Decrease,

Bank – Asset - Decrease

  1. Returned to friend, loan borrowed from him, by cheque.

Friend’s loan – Liability – Decrease,

Bank – Asset - Decrease

  1. Bad Debts (Debtors didn’t pay their dues, declared insolvent by court).

Bad Debts – Capital (Expense) – Decrease,

Debtors – Asset - Decrease

  1. Cash received from Munim for commission.

Cash – Asset – Increase,

Commission – Capital (Income) - Increase

  1. Received rent by cheque

Bank – Asset – Increase,

Rent – Capital (Income) - Increase

  1. Goods returned by our customers.

Stock – Asset – Increase,

Debtors – Asset - Decrease

  1. Collection of cash from debtors after discount.

Cash - Asset - Increase

Discount Allowed – Capital (Expense) - Decrease

Debtors - Asset - Decrease

  1. Payment to creditors after discount.

Creditors - Liability - Decrease

Cash – Asset – Decrease

Discount received – Capital - Increase

  1. Depreciation on asset.

Depreciation – Capital (Expense) - Decrease

Asset - Decrease

  1. Appreciation to asset.

Asset - Increase

Appreciation – Capital - Increase

  1. Interest on Loan.

Interest on Loan – Capital - Decrease

Loan – Liability - Increase

  1. Interest on bank deposit.

Bank - Asset - Increase

Interest on Bank Deposit – Capital - Increase

  1. Outstanding expenses.

Expenses – Capital - Decrease

Outstanding expenses – Liability - Increase

  1. Expenses paid in advance (when these are paid).

Prepaid expenses - Asset - Increase

Cash – Asset - Decrease

  1. Accrued Income.

Accrued Income - Asset - Increase

Income – Capital - Increase

  1. Income received in advance. (when it is received).

Cash - Asset - Increase

Income received in advance – Liability - Increase

  1. Withdrew goods for personal use.

Drawings - Capital - Decrease

Stock – Asset - Decrease

  1. Goods given as charity.

Charity – Capital - Decrease

Stock – Asset - Decrease

  1. Prepaid Expenses (Adjustment)

Prepaid Expenses - Asset - Increase

Expenses – Capital - Decrease

  1. Interest On Capital.

Interest on Capital - Capital – Increase and - Decrease

  1. Interest on Drawings.

Interest on Drawings - Capital – Decrease and - Increase

  1. Loss By Fire (Theft)

Loss by Fire (Theft) – Capital - Decrease

Stock – Asset - Decrease

  1. Received a Cheque from Angad, directly deposited into bank.

Bank - Asset - Increase

Angad – Asset - Decrease

  1. Collected accounts Receivable

Cash – Asset – Increase

Accounts Receivable – Asset - Decrease

  1. Purchased vehicle with loan

Vehicle – Asset – Increase

Loan – Liability - Increase

  1. Owner withdrew cash

Cash – Asset – Decrease

Capital - Decrease

  1. Paid off accounts payable

Accounts Payable – Liability – Decrease

Cash/Bank – Asset - Decrease

  1. Provided services on credit

Debtors – Asset – Increase

Service Income - Capital - Increase

  1. Owner invested additional cash

Cash – Asset – Increase

Capital - Increase

  1. Received interest income

Cash – Asset – Increase

Interest - Capital - Increase

  1. Paid insurance premium

Insurance – Capital – Decrease

Cash/Bank – Asset - Decrease

  1. Paid for software subscription

Software Expenses – Capital – Decrease

Cash – Asset - Decrease

  1. Paid for employee medical insurance

Employee Benefit Expenses – Capital – Decrease

Cash – Asset - Decrease



Name of the expense, asset, liability, debtor, creditor etc. is to be used if given.

For payment Cash/ Bank is to be used depending on the case.

Learning Games and Activities in Accountancy – Class 11

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Double Entry System of Book-Keeping Fri, 12 Feb 2016 05:56:05 +0000 Double Entry system of Book-keeping requires record of both the aspects of a transaction into accounting books, one Dr. and the other Cr.

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Double Entry system of Book-keeping

Double Entry system of Book-keeping requires record of both the aspects of a transaction into accounting books, one Dr. and the other Cr. e.g. Sold goods to Ashok for ₹3,000. In this case Goods worth ₹3,000 are going out of the business and cash ₹3,000 is coming into the business, both must be recorded in accounting books.


Rules of Double Entry

Rules of Double Entry can be studied under two methods:

1. Basic Book-keeping method.

2. Balance Sheet Equation method.


1. Basic Book-keeping method.

Under this method rules are studied on the basis of various types of accounts. Account is the summary of transactions relating to a particular item relating to the business, in ‘T’ form, where left side is used for Debit and right side is used for Credit.

Types of Account:

1. Personal accounts: These accounts are related to the persons or group of persons and can be:

(a) Natural personal accounts like X account, Ashok account.

(b) Artificial Personal accounts like Sharma Brothers account, Ashoka Textiles ltd.

(c) Representative personal accounts like expenses outstanding, Income received in advance.

2. Impersonal accounts: These accounts are other than personal accounts and include:

(a)Real accounts: Related to assets also called property accounts.

(b)Nominal accounts: Related to expenses, Incomes, losses, gains, revenues of the business.

Personal accounts:

Debit the receiver, Credit the giver e.g. if cash is given to Mahesh, Mahesh is receiver so Mahesh account should be debited.

Real accounts:

Debit what comes in, Credit what goes out e.g. If furniture is sold to Ramesh, furniture is going out of the business so Furniture account should be credited.

Nominal Accounts:

Debit the expenses and losses, Credit the Incomes, gains, revenues and profits e.g. if commission is received, Commission account should be credited as it is Income of the business.


Summary of Rules of Double Entry under Basic Bookkeeping Method:

1. Personal accounts: Debit the receiver, Credit the giver.

2. Real accounts: Debit what comes in, Credit what goes out.

3. Nominal Accounts: Debit the expenses and losses; Credit the Incomes, gains, revenues and profits.


2. Balance Sheet Equation Method:

Under this method rules of Double Entry are studied on the basis of the items of Balance Sheet Equation, so all the accounts are divided into five categories for this purpose:

(a) Asset account:

Debit in case of Increase, Credit in case of Decrease like In case machinery is purchased for cash, Machinery account should be debited, and cash account should be credited.

(b) Liability account:

Credit in case of Increase, Debit in case of Decrease like If loan is borrowed from State Bank of India, State bank Of India’s loan account should be credited.

(c) Capital account:

Credit in case of Increase, Debit in case of Decrease like when proprietor invested cash into business, his capital account should be credited.

(d) Expenses/Losses account:

Debit all the expenses/losses (Debit in case of Increase, Credit in case of Decrease.), Expenses are always debited except in case of cancellation like if rent is paid, Rent account should be debited.

(e) Revenues/Gains/Incomes and profits account:

Credit all the revenues/gains/incomes/profits (Credit in case of Increase, Debit in case of Decrease), Incomes accounts are always credited like if rent is received, rent account should be credited.


Summary of Rules of Double Entry under Balance Sheet Equation Method

(a) Asset account: Debit in case of Increase, Credit in case of Decrease.

(b) Liability account: Credit in case of Increase, Debit in case of Decrease.

(c) Capital account: Credit in case of Increase, Debit in case of Decrease.

(d) Expenses/Losses account: Debit (Debit in case of Increase, Credit in case of Decrease).

(e)Revenues/Gains/Incomes and profits account: Credit (Credit in case of Increase, Debit in case of Decrease).


Note: It may be noted that there is no specific instruction for the use of these two methods. The results of these two methods are same. So, either of these two may be used.


Match The Basic Terms with their Meaning




Application of Rules of Debit and Credit

Single Entry System

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Balance Sheet Equation Tue, 09 Feb 2016 12:00:06 +0000 Balance Sheet Equation also known as Accounting Equation is the basis of Double Entry System of Book-Keeping. As per this equation, the total amount of Assets should be equal to the total amount of Liabilities along with Capital.

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Balance Sheet Equation

Balance sheet equation is also known as Accounting Equation. Total of assets of the business are acquired from the funds of the business. These funds can be the investment by the proprietor i.e. capital or borrowed from some outsider known as Liabilities. It can be put in the form of a simple equation:

Total assets = Capital +Liabilities


Capital + Liabilities = Assets----------------→C+L=A

This equation is known as Balance sheet equation as the Balance Sheet is based on this equation.

Balance Sheet Equation can also be expressed as:

A - L = C

Balance Sheet is a financial statement prepared at the end of the accounting period for the purpose of showing the financial position of an entity in terms of Capital, Liabilities and Assets.

This Equation must stand true in all the cases even after hundreds of transactions.

It means:

Increase in one asset→ Decrease in another asset or Increase in capital/Liabilities and vice versa.

Decrease in one asset→ Increase in another asset or Decrease in capital/Liabilities and vice versa.


In short: C-------L or A, C-------L or A, so on.


It becomes important to know when the increase or decrease in these items takes place.


When does increase or decrease in Assets, Capital or Liabilities take place?


Capital increases in the following cases: Introduction of new or additional capital, incomes, gains, profits, revenues.

Capital decreases in the following cases: Drawings, losses, expenses.

Liability increases in the following cases: New or more borrowings, interest thereon, expenses due to be paid, Income received in advance.

Liability decreases in the following cases: Repayment of borrowings.

Asset increases in the following cases: In case of acquiring/ purchase, appreciation.

Asset decreases in the following cases: In case of disposal/sale, depreciation, accident.



  1. Proprietor started business with cash₹ 20,000.
  2. Borrowed from ABC bank ₹15,000.
  3. Purchased machinery for cash₹10,000.
  4. Purchased goods worth₹6,000 on credit from Seller.
  5. Repaid ₹10,000 to ABC bank.
  6. A part of machinery worth ₹3,000 was damaged in accident (machinery was not insured).
Capital₹ Liabilities (ABC bank + Seller) ₹ Assets(cash+bank+machinery+goods) ₹
20,000 ------------ 20,000
20,000 15,000 20,000+15,000
20,000 15,000 10,000+15,000+10,000
20,000 15,000+6,000 10,000+15,000+10,000+6,000
20,000 5,000+6,000 10,000+5,000+10,000+6,000
17,000 5,000+6,000 10,000+5,000+7,000+6,000

Here the total of both the sides of Balance sheet equation are same, C+L=A stands at ₹28,000.


Check 50 Transactions and their effect on Balance Sheet Equation to understand it well.

Effect of 50 Transactions on Accounting Equation


Tips for Simple Questions in Accounting Equation


C + L = A

Capital + Liabilities = Assets

As Profit increases Capital and Loss decreases Capital,

(Capital + Profit (- Loss)) + Liabilities = Assets

(Capital + Revenue - Expenses) + Liabilities = Assets

Opening Capital + Additional Capital - Drawings + Profit (- Loss) = Closing Capital

As Capital is also called Owner's Equity and Liabilities are called Creditors' Equity

Owner's Equity + Creditors' Equity = Total Equity = Total Assets

Creditors' Equity is also called Claim of Outsiders.

Very Important:

While doing such questions, The date of balances must be checked carefully.


Double Entry System of Book-Keeping

Learning Games and Activities in Accountancy – Class 11


The post Balance Sheet Equation appeared first on Commerceatease - Website for 11th & 12th Commerce.

Application of Rules of Debit and Credit – 35 Cases Tue, 09 Feb 2016 11:57:19 +0000 A student can use any method for rules of Double entry, Basic Book Keeping method or Balance Sheet Equation method.
Here are some simple transactions for practice.

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Application of Rules of Debit and Credit - 35 Cases for Journal Entries

(Some simple transactions).

No. Transaction Debit A/c Credit A/c
1. Started business with cash. Cash A/c Capital A/c
2. Started business with cash, bank balance. Cash A/c,

Bank A/c

Capital A/c
3. Borrowed loan from State Bank of India. Bank A/c SBI’s loan A/c
4. Borrowed loan from a friend. Bank A/c Friend’s loan A/c
5. Purchased machinery for cash. Machinery A/c Cash A/c
6. Purchased machinery for cash, payment made by cheque. Machinery A/c Bank A/c
7. Purchased furniture, payment made by accepting a bill of   exchange Furniture A/c Bills Payable A/c
8. Purchased goods, 50% payment made by cheque. Purchases A/c Bank A/c,

Creditors A/c

9. Goods purchased on credit, now returned. Creditors A/c Purchases Return A/c
10. Sold goods for cash. Cash A/c Sales A/c
11. Sold goods on credit. Debtors A/c Sales A/c
12. Sold goods, 50% payment received in cash. Cash A/c,

Debtors A/c

Sales A/c
13. Payment of an installment of State bank of India’s loan. SBI’s loan A/c Bank A/c
14. Bills Receivable received from a debtor. Bills Receivable A/c Debtors A/c
15. Deposited into Canara bank. Canara Bank A/c Cash A/c
16. Withdrew from bank for office use. Cash A/c Bank A/c
17. Withdrew from bank for domestic use. Drawings A/c Bank A/c
18. Payment of wages, rent by cheque. Wages A/c,

Rent A/c

Bank A/c
19. Returned to friend, loan borrowed from him, by cheque. Friend’s loan A/c Bank A/c
20. Bad Debts. Bad Debts A/c Debtors A/c
21. Cash received from Mahesh for commission. Cash A/c Commission A/c
22. Received rent. Cash A/c Commission A/c
23. Goods returned by our customers. Sales Return A/c Debtors A/c
24. Collection of cash from debtors after discount. Cash A/c,

Discount Allowed A/c

Debtors A/c
25. Payment to creditors after discount. Creditors A/c Cash A/c,

Discount received A/c

26. Depreciation on asset. Depreciation A/c Asset A/c
27. Appreciation to asset. Asset A/c Appreciation A/c
28. Interest on Loan. Interest on Loan A/c Loan A/c
29. Interest on bank deposit. Bank A/c Interest A/c
30. Outstanding expenses. Expenses A/c Outstanding expenses A/c
31. Expenses paid in advance (when these are paid). Prepaid expenses A/c Cash A/c
32. Accrued Income. Accrued Income A/c Income A/c
33. Income received in advance. (when it is received). Cash A/c Income received in advance A/c
34. Withdrew goods for personal use. Drawings A/c Purchases A/c
35. Goods given as charity. Charity A/c Purchases A/c


Application of Rules of Debit and Credit - 35 Cases

Rules of Dr./Cr.




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Vouchers in Accounting Tue, 09 Feb 2016 11:55:47 +0000 When there is no documentary for any items, voucher may be prepared showing the necessary details and got approved by appropriate authority within the firm.

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Vouchers in Accounting

Source Document or Vouchers are the written evidence of Business transactions, such as Cash memo, Invoice, Sales bill, Pay-in-slip, Cheque, Salary slip, etc.

When there is no documentary for any items, voucher may be prepared showing the necessary details and got approved by appropriate authority within the firm.

All such documents (vouchers) are arranged in chronological order, serially numbered and kept in a separate file.

Accounting vouchers are prepared to make entries for recording, on the basis of these supporting vouchers.

Accounting vouchers are classified as cash vouchers, debit vouchers, credit vouchers, journal vouchers, etc.

Cash Voucher is used for recording cash transactions; cash receipts or cash payments.

Debit Voucher is used for recording cash payments.

Credit Voucher is used for recording cash receipts.

Transfer Voucher is used to record non-cash transactions like credit purchases, depreciation etc.

Transaction Voucher is the accounting voucher prepared for a transaction with one debit and one credit.

Compound Voucher records a transaction that involves multiple debits/credits and one credit/debit. Compound voucher may be: (a) Debit Voucher or (b) Credit Voucher.

Complex Voucher/ Journal Voucher is used to record transactions with multiple debits and multiple credits, called complex transactions.

Types of Vouchers in Accounting

Journal I 40 Journal Entries You Must Know

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Journal I 40 Journal Entries You Must Know Tue, 09 Feb 2016 11:54:20 +0000 Journal is the book of original entry in which the transactions are entered for the first time from the source documents, in the form of journal entries, after which the entries are transferred to the ledger, the principal book of entry.

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Journal is the book of original entry in which the transactions are entered for the first time from the source documents, in the form of journal entries, after which the entries are transferred to the ledger, the principal book of entry.

The process of recording transactions in journal is called Journalising.

The process of transferring journal entry to individual accounts in the ledger is called Posting.

How to prepare Journal?

The format of Journal is shown as under:

Date Particulars L.F. Debit ( ₹) Credit ( ₹)


Name of the acct. to be debited                       Dr.

To Name of the acct. to be credited                       (Narration)



Date: The first column in a journal is Date on which the transaction took place.

Particulars: The name of the account to be debited is written on the first line beginning from the left-hand corner and the word ‘Dr.’ is written at the end of the column. The name of the account to be credited is written on the second line leaving margin on the left side with a prefix ‘To’.

Narration: A brief description of the transaction is given below these account names.

Line: After writing the narration a line is drawn in the Particulars column, indicating the end of recording the specific journal entry.

Ledger Folio: L.F. records the page number of the ledger book on which relevant account appears. This column is filled up at the time of posting.

Debit Amount: It is the amount against the account to be debited.

Credit Amount: It is the amount against the account to be credited.

At the end of each page of the journal book, the amount columns are totaled and carried forward (c/f to the next page where such amounts are recorded as brought forward (b/f) balances.


If building worth ₹25,000 is purchased on July2, 2012, payment made by ₹ 25,000 cheque, Journal entry is to be recorded as under:

Date Particulars L.F. Debit (₹) Credit (₹)


Building A/c                                              Dr.

To Bank A/c

(Purchase of Building on cash basis)

25,000 25,000


Journal Entry can be of two types:

  1. Simple Journal Entry: It involves only two accounts. (as above)
  2. Compound Journal Entry: It involves multiple accounts as there are more than one account to be debited or credited. (As below)
Date Particulars L.F. Debit (₹) Credit (₹)
 Cash A/c                                                    Dr.
Furniture A/c                                             Dr.

To Capital A/c
(Started business with cash and furniture)





40 Journal Entries You Must Know

It may be noted that both the amount columns are totaled at the end of every page of the Journal.

No. Transaction Debit A/c
1. Started business with cash. Cash A/c                                              Dr.

To Capital A/c
2. Started business with cash, bank balance. Cash A/c                                             Dr.

Bank A/c                                            Dr.

To Capital A/c
3. Borrowed loan from State Bank of India. Bank A/c                                           Dr.

To SBI’s loan A/c
4. Borrowed loan from a friend. Bank A/c                                          Dr.

To Friend’s loan A/c
5. Purchased machinery for cash. Machinery A/c                                Dr.

To Cash A/c
6. Purchased machinery for cash, payment made by cheque. Machinery A/c                               Dr.

To Bank A/c
7. Purchased furniture, payment made by accepting a bill of   exchange Furniture A/c                                 Dr.

To Bills Payable A/c
8. Purchased goods, 50% payment made by cheque. Purchases A/c                                Dr.

To Bank A/c,

To Creditors A/c
9. Goods purchased on credit, now returned. Creditors A/c                                    Dr.

To Purchases Return A/c
10. Sold goods for cash. Cash A/c                                           Dr.

To Sales A/c
11. Sold goods on credit. Debtors A/c                                     Dr.

To Sales A/c
12. Sold goods, 50% payment received in cash. Cash A/c                                           Dr.

Debtors A/c                                     Dr.

To Sales A/c
13. Payment of an installment of State bank of India’s loan. SBI’s loan A/c                                Dr.

To Bank A/c
14. Bills Receivable received from a debtor. Bills Receivable A/c                    Dr.

To Debtors A/c
15. Deposited into Canara bank. Canara Bank A/c                         Dr.

To Cash A/c
16. Withdrew from bank for office use. Cash A/c                                        Dr.

To Bank A/c
17. Withdrew from bank for domestic use. Drawings A/c                                Dr.

To Bank A/c
18. Payment of wages, rent by cheque. Wages A/c                                     Dr.

Rent A/c                                        Dr.

To Bank A/c
19. Returned to friend, loan borrowed from him, by cheque. Friend’s loan A/c                         Dr.

To Bank A/c
20. Bad Debts. Bad Debts A/c                              Dr.

To Debtors A/c
21. Cash received from Mahesh for commission. Cash A/c                                         Dr.

To Commission A/c
22. Received rent. Cash A/c                                          Dr.

To Rent A/c
23. Goods returned by our customers. Sales Return A/c                            Dr.

To Debtors A/c
24. Collection of cash from debtors after discount. Cash A/c                                          Dr.

Discount Allowed A/c                  Dr.

To Debtors A/c
25. Payment to creditors after discount. Creditors A/c                                Dr.

To Cash A/c

To Discount received A/c
26. Depreciation on asset. Depreciation A/c                          Dr.

To Asset A/c
27. Appreciation to asset. Asset A/c                                        Dr.

To Appreciation A/c
28. Interest on Loan. Interest on Loan A/c                    Dr.

To Loan A/c
29. Interest on bank deposit. Bank A/c                                         Dr.

To Interest A/c
30. Outstanding expenses. Expenses A/c                                Dr.

To Outstanding expenses, A/c
31. Expenses paid in advance (when these are paid). Prepaid expenses A/c                 Dr.

To Cash A/c
32. Accrued Income. Accrued Income A/c                   Dr.

To Income A/c
33. Income received in advance. (when it is received). Cash A/c                                         Dr.

To Income received in advance A/c
34. Withdrew goods for personal use. Drawings A/c                                 Dr.

To Purchases A/c
35. Goods given as charity. Charity A/c                                    Dr.

To Purchases A/c
36. Prepaid Expenses. Prepaid Expenses A/c                Dr.

To Expenses A/c
37. Interest On Capital. Interest On Capital                    Dr.

To Capital A/c
38. Interest on Drawings. Drawings A/c                              Dr.

To Interest on Drawings A/c
39. Loss By Fire (Theft) Loss by Fire (Theft) A/c            Dr.

To Purchases A/c
 40.  Received a Cheque from Angad, directly deposited into bank. Bank A/c                                       Dr.

To Angad A/c

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Subsidiary Journals Tue, 09 Feb 2016 11:52:36 +0000 The journal is subdivided into a number of books of original entry, on the basis of similarity of transactions and for the purpose of efficiency in the recording work, popularly known as special journals........

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Subsidiary Journals

The journal is subdivided into a number of books of original entry, on the basis of similarity of transactions and for the purpose of efficiency in the recording work, popularly known as special journals, day books or Subsidiary Journals:

1. Purchases (journal) book

2. Sales (journal) book

3. Purchase Returns (journal) book

4. Sale Returns (journal) book

5. Bills Receivable (journal) book

6. Bills Payable (journal) book

7. Cash book:

(a)Single Column Cash Book

(b)Double Column Cash Book

(c) Triple Column Cash Book

(d) Multi Column Cash Book

(e) Petty Cash Book

8. Journal Proper

Purchases (Journal) Book

All credit purchases of goods are recorded in the purchases journal.

Entries are made with the net amount of the invoice. Trade discount and other details of the invoice need not be recorded in this book.

The format of the purchases journal:

Purchases (Journal) Book

Date Invoice No. Name of the Supplier (Account to be credited) L.F. Amount ()

The monthly total of the purchases book is posted to the debit of purchases account in the ledger. Individual suppliers’ accounts may be posted daily.

Purchases Return (Journal) Book

In this book, purchases return of goods are recorded.

The format of the purchases return journal:

Date Debit Note No. Name of the Supplier (Account to be debited) L.F. Amount ()

Sales (Journal) Book

All credit sales of goods are recorded in the sales journal.

The format of the sales journal:

Date Invoice No. Name of the Customer (Account to be debited) L.F. Amount ()

In the sales journal, one additional column may be added to record sales tax recovered from the customer and to be paid to the government within the stipulated time. Periodically, at the end of each month the amount column is totaled and posted to the credit of sales account in the ledger. Posting to the debit side of individual customer’s accounts may be made daily.

Sales Return (Journal) Book

This journal is used to record return of goods by customers sold to them on credit.

The format of the sales return book is:

Date Credit Note No. Name of the Customer (Account to be credited) L.F. Amount ()


Subsidiary Journals MCQs:





Bills Receivable (journal) book:(not in C.B.S.E. syllabus now)



Date received Date of Bill From whom received Drawer Acceptor Where payable Term Due Date L.F. Amt.` Date Cash Book Folio


Bills Payable (journal) book:(not in C.B.S.E. syllabus now)

Sr. No. Date of Bill To whom given Drawer Payee Where payable Term Due Date L.F. Amount` Date Cash Book Folio Remarks


Cash Book – Dual Purpose Book

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Types of Cash Book Tue, 09 Feb 2016 11:49:10 +0000 Cash book is a book generally made on monthly basis, in which all cash transactions i.e. cash receipts and cash payments are recorded and discloses cash and bank balance at the end of the period.

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Types of Cash Book

Meaning of Cash Book

Cash book is a book generally made on monthly basis, in which all cash transactions i.e. cash receipts and cash payments are recorded and discloses cash and bank balance at the end of the period. It is maintained by all organizations, big or small, profit or not-for-profit.

It serves dual purpose; journal as well as the ledger (cash) account.


Types of Cash Book


Single Column Cash Book

When all receipts and payments are made in cash only, the cash book contains only one amount column on each (debit and credit) side.

The format of single column cash book:

Date Particulars L.F. Amount (₹) Date Particulars L.F. Amount (₹)


Double Column Cash Book

In this type of cash book, there are two columns of amount cash and bank, on each side of the cash book.

The format of double column cash book:

Date Particulars L.F. Cash (₹) Bank (₹) Date Particulars L.F. Cash (₹) Bank (₹)

Triple Column Cash Book

In this type of cash book, there are three columns of amount discount, cash and bank, on each side of the cash book.

The format of triple column cash book:

Date Particulars L.F. Disc.






Date Particulars L.F. Disc. Cash





Types of Cash Book

Contra Entry:

Contra entry is the entry involving cash and bank columns entered on the opposite sides of cash book. There are two cases of passing contra entry:

  1. When cash is deposited into bank.
  2. When cash is withdrawn from bank for office use.

In case of such entries the word C, which stands for contra is written in the L.F. column indicating that these entries are not to be posted to the ledger account.

Cash Book Entries | 36 Cash Book Transactions

Learning Games and Activities in Accountancy – Class 11

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Cash Book Entries | 36 Cash Book Transactions Tue, 09 Feb 2016 11:45:23 +0000 Here is the summary of basic cash transactions ,to be entered in Cash book, for a ready reference and revision.

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How to Make Entries in Cash Book? - 36 Cases

Whatever may be the type of cash book, entries are passed according to the rules of Double entry. Following main points are to be considered while making entries in cash book:

Summary of Transactions to be recorded in Cash Book

No. Transaction Cash Dr. Bank Dr. Cash Cr. Bank Cr.
1 Started business with cash.       *
2 Started business with cash and bank balance.       *      *
3 Borrowed loan from State Bank of India.      *
4 Borrowed loan from a friend.       *      *
5 Purchased machinery for cash.       *
6 Purchased machinery on cash basis, paid by cheque.      *
7 Purchased goods, 50% payment made by cheque.      *
8 Sold goods for cash.       *
9 Sold goods, 50% payment received in cash.       *
10 Payment of an installment of SBI’s loan.       *      *
11 Deposited into Canara bank.(Contra Entry)      *      *
12 Withdrew from bank for office use. (Contra Entry)       *      *
13 Withdrew from bank for domestic use.      *
14 Payment of rent by cheque.      *
15 Repayment of friend's loan , by cheque.      *
16 Cash received from Mahesh for commission.       *
17 Received bank draft.      *
18 Collection of cash from debtors after discount.      *
19 Payment to creditors after discount.      *    *
20 Interest on bank deposit.      *
21 Expenses paid in advance (when these are paid).      *     *
22 Cheque deposited into bank.      *
23 Cheque deposited into bank, dishonoured.      *
24 Cheque issued to customer, later dishonoured.      *
25 Interest on bank deposit.      *
26 Bill receivable discounted with bank.      *
27 Bill receivable discounted later dishonoured.      *
28 Bank charges.      *
29 Cheques received sent to bank on the same day.      *
30 Cheques received sent to bank (next day).      *
31 Opening Cash balance.      *
32 Opening Bank balance.      *
33 Bank overdraft (Opening)      *
34 Closing cash balance      *
35 Closing bank balance      *
36 Closing bank Overdraft      *


Cheque received should be debited to Cheques-in-hand. If this cheque is deposited into bank on the same day, It should be debited to Bank. However, if this cheque is deposited into bank the next day, following journal entry is to be passed:

Bank a/c Dr.

To Cheques-in-hand.

How to Make Entries in Cash Book? - 36 Cases

Types of Cash Book

Petty Cash Book

Learning Games and Activities in Accountancy – Class 11


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Petty Cash Book Tue, 09 Feb 2016 11:42:05 +0000 Petty cash book is used to record small receipts and payments, separately from regular cash book, to avoid making the work of cash book simple and less cumbersome. Petty cashier is appointed in addition to the head cashier.

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Petty Cash Book

Petty cash book is used to record small receipts and payments, separately from regular cash book, to avoid making the work of cash book simple and less cumbersome. Petty cashier is appointed in addition to the head cashier.

The petty cashier works on the Imprest system by which, a definite sum called imprest amount, say ₹ 3,000 is given to the petty cashier at the beginning of a certain period usually one month. The petty cashier makes all small payments out of this amount and when he has spent the substantial portion of the imprest amount say ₹ 2,730, he gets reimbursement of the amount spent from the head cashier. Thus, he again has the full imprest amount in the beginning of the next period.

Format of Petty Cash Book:

Dr.                                                                  Cr.              Analysis of Payments
Receipts Date Particulars Vr. No. Total Payments Stationary Postage Sundries Ledger Acts.

Journal Proper I General Journal

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