Commerceatease at a Glance
Commerceatease at a Glance
Dear Website visitors,
The purpose of this website is to facilitate the students, teachers and other visitors.
A large number of Learning Games & Activities and Quizzes are there and more and more are added from time to time.
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Accountancy Class 11
General Guidance for 11th Class Accountancy
In this category you'll find all articles for preparing Accountancy of Class 11 which are not related to any particular unit.
Then articles on all units of syllabus are there along with interactive Self-learning activities.
Business Studies Class 11
- General Guidance for Class 11th Business Studies
- All units of syllabus.
Marketing Class 11
Find complete notes.
Accountancy Class 12
- General Guidance for Class 12th Accountancy
- All units of syllabus.
- Project Work
Business Studies Class 12
- General Guidance for Class 12th Business Studies
- All units of syllabus.
- Project Work
Marketing Class 12
Find complete notes.
General Guidance
Helpline has a large number of questions in the minds of students, answered in brief here only.
Here you find the guidance for students who wish to take Commerce subjects.
This corner is fully devoted to help students prepare for Class 12 Board Exams. and get them their best performance.
It has basic articles regarding the choice of Commerce as a career.
Here teachers can find some technical and teaching tips to make their work easy and effective.
Skill Subjects
Here the notes of various Skill Subjects (that Commerce students can relate with easily) are given:
Financial Literacy for classes 6, 7 and 8
Marketing of classes 6, 7 and 8
Marketing and Sales of Classes 9 and 10
Find More...as the name suggests, deal with the following:
Quizzes on subjects.
Guest articles.
Articles for a better life
NOTE: If you are not able to find any topic under the category you selected, You can make the use of ‘Search Option’.
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E-mail - commerceatease37@gmail.com
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