How to Perform Well in Accountancy Paper?

1. During the first fifteen minutes given specially for this purpose, Read the question paper thoroughly, to understand what is required to be written. You can also plan the strategy of answering the questions.

2. Read the instructions properly, regarding the parts, word limit for the answers etc.

3. Try to attempt the questions in serial order. Space can be reserved for the answers to be written later on.

4. While starting to answer the question, read it once again as it has been seen that either by excitement or by fear students miss the important points like: the date of transaction, the date of balance sheet, the requirement of the question etc. It has been observed that sometimes students pass journal entries instead of preparing ledger accounts and vice-versa.

5. Performa of all the statements and accounts must be prepared properly with their names and other particulars required to be written on the top. Narrations must be written though in brief as marks are deducted for not doing so.

6. Working notes must be neatly given before or after the solution but in no case calculations should be done in the account or statement which makes the work untidy, Calculations and rough work must be done on rough space on the right side of the answer sheet on the same page or a separate sheet. It would be better to put Question no. with the rough work also. Quick Tips for Calculations can be learnt for time saving.

7. While making statements and accounts Numerical Figures must be written perfectly in symmetry one below the first to make the addition quickly, totals may be written with pencil before finalizing.

8. Answers required must be highlighted by giving headings, in case of short answers like, ratios can be written in boxes to facilitate the examiner in performing his duty. Always keep in mind the Golden Principle "Make the examiner happy by writing what he wants, he will make you happy by giving the marks that you want".

So, this was answer to, How to Perform Well in Accountancy Paper?

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