Marketing Question Bank

Q. Why do producers produce the product?

Q. Define the terms: marketers, market, marketing activities.

Q. Classify various types of markets.

Q. How is marketing different from selling and shopping?

Q. Explain how marketing is not merely a post-production activity.

Q. Define need and want.

Q. What is market offering?

Q. What can be good market offer?

Q. What is customer value of a product or service?

Q. What is exchange mechanism in the market?

Q. What are the conditions of exchange process in the market?

Q. What are the features of marketing?

Q. What is product?

Q. What can be marketed?

Q. Who can be marketer?

Q. What is marketing management?

Q. What is the process of marketing management?

Q. Explain the difference between marketing and selling?

Q. Explain various marketing management concepts or philosophies.

Q. What are the main pillars of marketing concept?

Q. What are the functions of marketing?

Marketing Question Bank

Q. What is SWOT analysis in relation to marketing?

Q. What is the latest trend in collecting the market information?

Q. What is standardization of a product?

Q. What are the advantages of standardization of a product?

Q. What is the meaning and advantages of grading of a product?

Q. Define packaging, labeling and branding of a product.

Q. What is generic name of a product?

Q. What is brand name?

Q. What are the advantages of branding?

Q. Define customer support services, price, and promotion of a product.

Q. What is transportation?

Q. Which marketing function is responsible for filling the time gap between production and sale?

Q. Explain the role of marketing in the firm and in the economy.

Q. What do you understand by marketing mix?

Q. What are the elements or components of marketing mix?

Q. What are the controllable factors affecting marketing decisions?

Q. What are the uncontrollable factors affecting marketing decisions?

Q. What are four Ps in relation to marketing mix?

Q. What is physical distribution of product?

Q. What are major decision areas in relation to different components of marketing mix?

Q. What types of benefits are expected by a consumer from a product?

Q. What are the different types of utilities of a product?

Q. Classify the types of products in the market?

Q. Define; brand name, trade name, trade mark.

Q. What is the difference between brand name and trade mark?

Q. What factors are to be considered for choosing a brand name?

Q. What are the different levels of packaging?

Q. Write the importance of packaging.

Q. What are the functions of packaging?

Q. Explain the functions of labeling.

Q. What is the role of pricing in the marketing?

Q. Explain the factors to be considered for fixation of price of a product.

Q. Define: fixed cost, variable cost, semi-variable cost and total cost of a product.

Q. What are the objectives of price determination?

Q. What are the major decisions relating to the physical distribution of a product?

Q. What is channel of distribution?

Q. What different channels are used for consumer products?

Q. Explain the role of channel of distribution.

Q. What are the functions of channel of distribution?

Q. What are the major components of physical distribution?

Q. Explain the factors to be considered for choosing the channel of distribution for a product.

Q. What is warehousing?

Q. What is just-in-time inventory decision?

Q. What are the factors that affect the inventory decision?

Q. What are the types of costs associated with the inventory?

Q. Define: promotion mix, advertising, sales promotion, publicity, personal selling.

Q. What are the main types of advertising media used for a product?

Q. Explain the features and limitations of advertising.

Q. Why is advertising criticized?

Q. Explain the features of personal selling.

Q. What is the role of personal selling?

Q. What are the different levels of sales promotion?

Q. Explain the merits and limitations of sales promotion.

Q. Explain the tools or techniques of sales promotion.

Q. Explain the features, advantages and disadvantages of publicity.

Q. How is advertising different from personal selling?


Marketing Question Bank

Write the values followed or ignored in the following cases:(Not in CBSE pattern now)

Q. A tea producer uses such material for packing tea, which can be used even after consuming the tea inside for other purposes.

Q. A cosmetics manufacturing co. claims in advertisement that its face cream improves the face complexion. On using it was found incorrect.

Q. A commercial company uses paint on trees, electric poles, historical monuments and walls to advertise its products.

Q. A soft drink manufacturing company uses dangerous stunts in the advertisements claiming that its drinks make the user fearless and stronger.

Q. A company manufactures electronic products which need special care while using it. But the company has not printed any special instructions for consumers.

Q. Mr. Sharma sells grocery items at his store. One day one of the customers bought expired food items from his shop for which he was not aware. Mr. Sharma immediately asked his customer not buy this product as it is expired and he could buy it from another shop. Which value is followed by Mr. Sharma and what care Mr. Sharma should take in future so that this does not happen again?

Q. A car manufacturing company advertised that its car gives a mileage of 20 km/litre. The claim of the company was contested in a consumer forum and after investigation it was found that the car gives only 16 km/litre.

Q. ABC Ltd. manufactures computer appliances. They massively advertise about their products with incomplete & wrong information. More or less their products are not of superior quality. They charge higher prices for their products.


Marketing Question Bank

MCQs based on CBSE Sample Papers

The process of classification of products into different groups, on the basis of some of the important characteristics such as quality, size, etc. is known as:

  1. Branding
  2. Standardisation
  3. *Grading
  4. Marketing planning


A bottle of Anti- dandruff shampoo mentions ' Clean your hair and get rid of dandruff in one squeeze'. The product related decision involved is

  1. Branding
  2. Product quality
  3. Packaging
  4. *Labelling


Name the function of marketing which is effective in bringing repeat sales from the customers and developing brand loyalty for a product.

  1. Standardization and grading
  2. Promotion
  3. *Customer support services
  4. Packaging and labelling


Choose the incorrect statement about pricing objectives as a factor affecting the price of a product.

  1. If a firm's objective is to maximize profits in the short run, it should charge maximum price for its products.
  2. If a firm's objective is to capture market share, it should keep low price of its product.
  3. *If a firm wants to attain product quality leadership, it should charge lower prices.
  4. If a firm is facing problems in survival due to stiff competition, it may offer discount on its products.


Statement I: For products requiring long term storage like agricultural products, the warehouses are located near to the market.

Statement II: Higher the level of inventory, higher will be the level of service to customers but the cost of carrying the inventory will also be high.

Choose the correct option from the following:

  1. Statement I is true and II is false
  2. *Statement II is true and I is false
  3. Both the statements are true
  4. Both the statements are false


Statement-I Transportation helps in creating time utility and warehousing helps in creating place utility

Statement-II The process of classification of products into different groups on the basis of their important characteristics is known as standardization.

Choose the correct option from the options given below:

  1. Statement I is true and II is false
  2. Statement II is true and I is false
  3. Both the statements are true
  4. *Both the statements are false


One of the important decision areas under the marketing function of …………………….. is managing inventory.

  1. Branding
  2. Pricing
  3. Promotion
  4. *Physical distribution


One of the following is considered to be an extension of the marketing concept, which apart from customer satisfaction pays attention to ethical and ecological aspects of marketing. Identify the concept.

  1. Selling concept
  2. Product concept
  3. Production concept
  4. *Societal Marketing concept


While the product costs set the lower limits of the price for a product, the upper limit of price which a buyer would be prepared to pay is decided by:

  1. *Utility and demand of the product
  2. The marketing manager of the firm
  3. The Government
  4. The competitors of the firm


Which of the following statements about Advertising is incorrect?

  1. *It is a personal form of communication
  2. It is a paid form of communication
  3. It is a mass selling technique.
  4. It is inflexible as the message can’t be adjusted to the needs of the buyer


Marketing Question Bank

MCQs based on CBSE Question Papers


Prakhar Ltd. is the manufacturer of life-saving drugs. There was an outbreak of flu two years back that spread quickly and affected many people. Prakhar Ltd. made huge investment on research and development and was able to develop a medicine for the same. The medicine was very effective in controlling the flu and now it has become a necessity for the patients. As a result, the demand for the medicine increased manifold. Considering the demand, the company increased the price of the medicine. The government observed the situation. Since it was the only available medicine to combat flu, the Government declared it as an essential medicine and regulated its price to make it affordable for the public.

From the following, identify the factor(s) affecting the determination of price discussed in the above case:

(i) Product cost

(ii) Marketing methods used

(iii) Utility and demand

(iv) Government and legal regulations

  1. (iv) only
  2. *(i), (iii) and (iv)
  3. (iii) and (iv)
  4. (i), (ii) and (iii)



When the products are sold by a manufacturer to the end consumer without involving any intermediary, the type of channel of distribution used is:

  1. *Zero level channel
  2. One level channel
  3. Two level channel
  4. Three level channel



MCQs to Revise Business Studies Class 12

Marketing – Keywords and Brief Notes

Marketing Quiz 1