Marketing Syllabus and Activities Class 11 


Marketing Syllabus (2025-26)

Total Marks: 100 (Theory-60 + Practical-40)

Employability Skills - Total - 10 Marks
Unit 1: Communication Skills-III - 2 Marks                                                                                                                                                                              Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-III - 2 Marks
Unit 3: ICT Skills-III - 2 Marks
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-III - 2 Marks
Unit 5: Green Skills-III - 2 Marks

Subject Specific Skills - Total - 50 Marks
Unit 1: Introduction to Marketing - 10 Marks
Unit 2: Marketing Environment - 10 Marks
Unit 3: Marketing Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning - 10 Marks
Unit 4: Fundamentals of Marketing Mix - 10 Marks
Unit 5: Consumer Behaviour - 10 Marks

Practical Work - Total - 40 Marks
Project - 10 Marks
Viva - 10 Marks
Practical File - 10 Marks
Demonstration of skill competency via Lab Activities - 10 Marks

Details of Practical should be checked from CBSE official website.

Grand Total - 100 Marks


Marketing Activities

The activities given here can be used for practical work as well as a supporting work for theory part. All of these activities are based on syllabus prescribed for the subject of Marketing (812) of class 11.

Activities Unit -1

  1. Make a chart or Power Point Presentation on 10 products that you consume in your daily life. For 5 Products the manufacturer and marketer should be same and for 5 Products, marketer should be different from manufacturer.
  2. Prepare a detailed report on any 5 advertisements (One each) from latest newspaper or magazines for marketing of services, properties, ideas, places and events. Discuss the message and its effect in appealing to the viewers.
  3. Prepare a chart showing Comparative Analysis of Marketing Philosophies.
  4. Prepare separate collages showing need, wants, demands, market offering and customer value along with customer satisfaction.
  5. Prepare an assignment by collecting print advertisements and analysing the message conveyed in marketing of goods, services people, ideas, experience, events, places, properties, organisations and information.
  6. Visit a company and find its different marketing and selling activities.
  7. Prepare a list of 10 products along with the Marketing Philosophies being adopted by their manufacturers.
  8. Visit in a small group of 4-5, to local marketing organisations (distributors, wholesalers, retailers). Make lists of marketing activities of each of them.

Activities Unit -2

  1. Differentiate the role of 4 Ps in different industries.
  2. Make Environmental Threat and Opportunity ETOP) profile of an industry of your choice.
  3. Distinguish Demographic factors, Political and legal factors for an industry.
  4. Enlist various physical forces, Technological forces and Socio- cultural forces in an industry.
  5. Developing case studies of Growth of companies like Patanjali, Adani etc.
  6. Role of macro environmental factor in their growth.
  7. Listing of micro and macro environmental factor Affecting business.
  8. Role of political and regulatory environment.

Activities Unit -3

  1. Identify segments to market Biscuits in India on the basis of geography, demographic, usage, Income, product related variables, industry-related variables.
  2. Identify the segmentation variables for any 10 products of your choice, from daily life.
  3. Make a Power Point Presentation showing the distinction between:
  4. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
  5. Demographic / Psychographic segmentation
  6. Mass / niche segmentation
  7. If you are a marketing manager in Verka Milk Plant, a producer of number of milk products, where will you put your products in the following Consumer Segments comprising Kids, Women, Youth, Calorie Conscious, Health Conscious?
  8. NANO car by TATA and case study of Positioning of Wagon R by MARUTI in SUV market

Activities Unit - 4

  1. Visit any organisation and find the stages involved in developing marketing mix.
  2. Prepare a list of 4P’s and 7P’s of 3 prominent organizations.
  3. Prepare list of 5 products in each category on the basis of usage, durability and tangibility.
  4. Preparing marketing mix of prominent consumer goods and service providers.

Activities Unit - 5

  1. Identify various types of consumers and buyers in the market.
  2.  Collecting information about various factors influencing consumer behaviour in a shopping mall.
  3. Prepare a flowchart of the stages involved in purchasing a high involvement and a low involvement product.
  4. Prepare a list of ten products where the child plays an important role in the buying process.

Any other activity the teacher deems fit as per syllabus, can also be conducted. Student’s creativity must be considered in this regard. As CBSE encourages Art Integration and Technology Integration, students must be introduced regarding such practices.


As all the above specific topics mentioned in the syllabus are studied in junior classes also as skill subjects, Basic knowledge of Marketing may be obtained here:

Marketing Notes – Class 6

Marketing Notes – Class 7

Marketing Notes – Class 8

Marketing and Sales, Curriculum and Activities – Class 9

You can read complete notes of Marketing and Sales Class 9, starting from the above topic.

Marketing and Sales Curriculum and Activities – Class 10

You can read everything of Marketing and Sales Class 10, starting from the above topic.


CBSE has also issued a Sample Paper and its Marking Scheme for the students, to prepare for Final Exams.

Marketing Sample Question Paper 2024-25

Marketing Marking Scheme 2024-25

Marketing Syllabus and Activities Class 12