Role and Responsibilities of Salesperson - Class 10


Role of Salesperson

In small organisations the sales manager largely performs sales activities along with managing whereas in large organisations the divide between selling and managing is more prominent. The role and responsibilities of sales personnel depend on many factors like the type of organization, the type of product and other considerations. In general, the role of salesperson can be summarised as:

  1. Revenue generator for the firm

Profit depends on sales and sales depend on the efforts made by the sales personnel. 'Meeting and beating targets’ stand true for them. It is their responsibility to improve profitability by increasing sales and revenue.

  1. Consultant to customer

Salesperson is a link between the company and the buyers. The salesman has to generate sales by satisfying the customers. For that, he has to gain their confidence, convince them about the product and its superiority over competitors. He listens to the customer and make all the efforts to make him purchase the product.

  1. Image builder

Salesman helps in building the image or reputation of the company, by building the company's product image, service image, managerial philosophy, management objectives and policies. He explains company's idea, vision, goals, objectives, policies, strategies among people to show superiority of his company.

  1. Relationship builder:

A relationship develops between the salesman and his customers, may be short term transactions taking place only for once called 'market exchange' or may last for many years called 'functional relationship'. Trust and mutual benefit make the long-term business relationships strong for the benefits of both the parties.


Role and Responsibilities of Salesperson - Class 10


Responsibilities of Salesperson

Following are the main responsibilities of salesperson:

  1. To call on customers:

It is the duty of the salesman to call the existing customers to become repeat customers and prospective customers to become actual customers as it helps in increasing customer base, sales and profitability of the company.

It is also called as 'keeping accounts alive' and opening 'new accounts'. These calls are made either at the office or house of a customer or any other suitable place agreed by them.

  1. To maintain and extend sales territory:

A sales territory is a geographical area consisting of number of prospects and customers. It may be a city area, district area, or a division area or even a state.

Salesman has to convert suspects to prospects by clearing all fears and doubts, convert that prospect into a customer in his territory.

  1. To increase sales:

It is the duty of the salesman to bring the product or product range under him, to the notice of customers, retailers and wholesalers. Increased knowledge to all these results in overall improvement of sales and profits of the company.

  1. To build company image:

A salesman has an important role of building the reputation of his company and keeps his company above the competitors. He keeps customers satisfied by promoting company's products/services, vision, goals, objectives and policies.

  1. To create product knowledge:

In the present days of competition and technology, there are new ideas, new products, new processes, new services available at much cheaper cost every day. It is the sales force which can bring these products and services, into the knowledge of people.

  1. To guide dealers:

Salesmen help distributors in promotional activities of advertisement and publicity of company's product. They guide to position the products and services in exhibitions or in window display and counter display in the showrooms of dealers.

  1. To provide feedback to the producers:

Salespeople collect detailed actual information from buyers about their needs and expectations and in case they need any change. Salesmen are the spokesmen of ‘consumer- the king'. The manufacturers produce products according to market requirements like quality standards, price range and quantity needed.

  1. To train new salesmen:

The salesmen who have made their career in sales and are on the verge of retirement, are in good position to teach the tricks of the trade and act as role model for the young ones joining this line.

  1. To collect payments tactfully:

Collection of dues is a difficult job in sales. A Salesman should be skillful enough in collecting dues timely yet retaining the customer for future. Timely collection of payments for his transactions is also a responsibility of a good salesman.

  1. To report and participate in Sales Meetings:

In meeting there is exchange of ideas, techniques, methods, tricks that enhance the company sales. Salesman is a link between the outside world and the company. He must act well in this regard and keep himself updated, confident and develop his capacity to organize the line of activities in sales field.

  1. Integrity of character:

The salesman must have qualities of honesty and integrity so that he becomes a loyal link between the two parties, his customers and his company.

Careers in Selling – Class 10