Syllabus and NCERT Books Commerce Classes 11 & 12
Initial Pages of Syllabus, 2025-26
Syllabus Class 11th and 12th
As per CBSE circular, there's no change in the curriculum of this year.
Class 11th, Accountancy
Class 12th, Accountancy
Class 11th, Business Studies
Class 12th, Business Studies
All the above-mentioned books can be freely downloaded from NCERT website, following this Link . These cannot be re-published or used for commercial purposes.
Simplified Syllabus Class 11th and 12th
Accountancy Class 11 Syllabus (2025-26) Simplified
Class 12 Accountancy Syllabus (2025-26) Simplified
Business Studies Class 11 Syllabus (2025-26) Simplified
Business Studies Class 12 Syllabus (2025-26) Simplified
For Skill Subjects, go to Skill Subject section.