Why You Should Visit Commerceatease
As this website is for a mission to help Commerce students learn on their own, the content is only that, which is relevant. Irrelevant content with zero value doesn't exist here. Because of being not-for-profit, It has been running without charging anything from anyone.
Focus is on creating the content that is useful for Commerce students, teachers and general public rather than on content that attracts viewers at a single glance. Content is based on relevant syllabus and teaching experience of more than thirty years, written by the admin. Only the good quality articles under Guest Corner are there.
Various topics have link to relevant websites to elaborate and create broader understanding, giving real view of the things.
It doesn't give you readymade solutions but try to guide and help students find the solutions on your own, thus making them more capable at zero cost.
There are no false promises to deliver which it can't. It's use depends on its user.
You find almost everything related to Accountancy and Business Studies of classes 11 and 12, here along with providing lot of general guidance.
Since it is a product created and nurtured by a teacher, many issues have been taken that are useful for teachers, in teaching, saving time and effort, like How to check OMR Sheet?, technical tips for teachers, Art integration in Commerce, Technology integration in Commerce, Question banks, Quizzes etc.
At many places Learning Games have been added to make students enjoy studying and test their understanding.
A number of 'fun' filled articles based on real life experience have been added, where the 'fun' is decent including peaceful activities giving happiness and contentment.
A large number of videos have been created and linked to various articles for making the process of learning easy and to make the difficult topics understandable for students and providing assistance to teachers in various matters.
It has been made very easy to keep yourself in touch with all the relevant CBSE circulars, syllabus, sample papers etc. rather than finding here and there ending nowhere, saving a lot of time.
This site is an example of dedication and determination of a single person, who continues to work though not always at the same pace, who had never taken any professional training or course in working like this and lacks professional skills, Who is also at times discouraged by some instances and comes back to do that she is determined to do.
If any principal, teacher, student or any other person is interested to participate in this process, 'Write for us' is the option available to such person.
For any suggestion, there's an email ID given, where you can send your feedback and suggestions to make this website more useful.
14 Reasons of Why You Must Visit Commerceatease