Barriers to Communication:

Problems or breakdowns in communication resulting in incomplete or wrong understanding are called barriers to communication.

Types of Barriers to communication :

semantic barriers, psychological barriers, organisational barriers, and personal barriers. These are briefly discussed below:


Semantic barriers:

Semantics is  the branch of linguistics dealing with the meaning of words and sentences. Semantic barriers are related to problems and obstructions in the process of encoding and decoding of message into words or impressions.

Main semantic barriers are:

(a) Badly expressed message:

When intended meaning is not conveyed by a manager to his subordinates, may be on account of inadequate vocabulary, usage of wrong words, omission of needed words etc.

(b) Symbols with different meanings:

A word may have several meanings. Receiver has to understand the meaning for the word used by communicator, in the same sense. Wrong perception leads to communication problems.

(c) Faulty translations:

Sometimes the communication originally drafted in one language needs to be translated to the language understandable to the other party . If the translator is not proficient with both the languages, mistakes may occur causing different meanings .

(d) Unclarified assumptions:

Some communications may have certain assumptions which are subject to different interpretations.

(e) Technical jargon:

It is common that specialists use technical vocabulary while explaining to persons who  are not specialists in the concerned field. Therefore, they may not understand the actual meaning of many such words.

(f) Body language and gesture decoding:

The body movement and gestures of communicator matters a lot in conveying the message. If there is no match between what is said and what is expressed in body movements, communications may result in wrong conclusions.


Psychological barriers:

Psychological barriers are the barriers due to emotional or psychological factors i.e. the state of mind of both the communicator and communicatee.

For example, a worried person cannot communicate properly and an angry receiver cannot understand the real meaning of message.

Main psychological barriers are:

(a) Premature evaluation:

Sometimes people draw conclusions of the message before the sender completes his message. Such premature evaluation may be due to pre-conceived notions or prejudices against the communication.

(b) Lack of attention:

The preoccupied mind of receiver and the resultant non-listening of message acts as a major psychological barrier.

(c) Loss by transmission and poor retention:

When communication passes through various levels, there is a problem of incomplete or wrong transmission of information.

Poor retention is another problem as many people cannot retain the information for a long time if they are inattentive or not interested.

(d) Distrust:

Lack of trust between communicator and communicate acts as a barrier. If the parties do not believe each other, they cannot understand each other's message in the same sense.


Organisational barriers:

These factors are related to organisation structure, authority relationships, rules and regulations etc.

Some of such organisational barriers are:

(a) Organisational policy:

Effectiveness of communication is adversely affected If the organisational policy, explicit or implicit, is not supportive to free flow of communication.

For example, in a centralised organisation, people may not be encouraged to have free communication.

(b) Rules and regulations:

Rigid rules and complicated procedures can be a problem in communication. Communications  through prescribed channel may result in delays.

(c) Status:

Status of superior can create psychological distance between him and his subordinates. A status conscious manager also does not allow his subordinates to express their feelings freely.

(d) Complexity in organisation structure:

In an organisation where there are number of managerial levels, communication gets delayed and distorted as number of filtering points are more.

(e) Organisational facilities:

Facilities like frequent meetings, suggestion box, complaint box, social and cultural gathering, transparency in operations etc., will encourage free flow of communication. Lack of these facilities may create communication problems.


Personal barriers:

Personal barriers are the personal factors of both sender and receiver that can affect  effectiveness of communication.

Main personal barriers are:

(a) Fear of challenge to authority:

If a superior feels that a particular communication may adversely affect his authority, he or she is likely to withhold or suppress such communication.

(b) Lack of confidence of superior on his subordinates:

If superiors do not have confidence on the competency of their subordinates, they cannot seek their advice or opinions.

(c) Lack of willingness to communicate:

Sometimes, subordinates are not prepared to communicate with their superiors, if they perceive that it can adversely affect their  interests.

(d) Lack of proper incentives:

If there is no motivation or incentive for communication, subordinates may not take initiative to communicate .e.g. if there is no reward or appreciation for a good suggestion, the subordinates may not be willing to offer useful suggestions.


Improving Communication Effectiveness

Organisations should adopt suitable measures to overcome the barriers and improve communication effectiveness. Some such measures  are:

  1. Clarify the ideas before communication:

The problem to be communicated to subordinates should be clear in all its perspective to the superior himself. The entire problem should be studied in depth, and clearly conveyed to subordinates.

  1. Communicate according to the needs of receiver:

The level of the education and understanding levels of subordinates should be absolutely clear to the communicator so that he can adjust his communication according to the subordinates.

  1. Consult others before communicating:

Before actually communicating the message, it is better to involve others .Participation and involvement of subordinates help to gain ready acceptance and willing cooperation of subordinates.

  1. Be aware of languages, tone and content of message:

The contents of the message, tone and language to be used etc. should be carefully considered before making communication. The message should be communicated in stimulating to evoke desired response.

  1. Convey things of help and value to listeners:

It is better for the sender to know the interests and needs of the receiver. If the message relates directly or indirectly to such interests and needs it certainly evokes response from communicate.

  1. Ensure proper feedback:

The communicator should ensure the success of communication by asking questions regarding the message conveyed and the receiver be encouraged to respond .

  1. Communicate for present as well as future:

Generally, communication is needed to meet the existing commitments to maintain consistency, the communication should aim at future goals of the enterprise also.

  1. Follow up communications:

There should be regular follow up and review on the instructions given to subordinates. Such follow up measures help in removing hurdles if any in implementing the instructions..

  1. Be a good listener:

Manager should be a good listener. Patient and attentive listening solves half of the problems. Managers should also give indications of their interest in listening to their subordinates.

Communication as Element of Direction