Nature and Significance of Management Questions

Direct Questions from NCERT books:

Q. What is management?

Q. Define management as a group/process/activity.

Q. What is effectiveness with respect to management?

Q. What is efficiency?

Q. What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness?

Q. Out of efficiency and effectiveness, which is more important and Why?

Q. What are the features of management?

Q. How is management a continuous process?

Q. What do you mean by objectives?

Q. What are the types of management objectives?

Q. Write any three personal objectives of management?

Q. What is the importance of management?

Q. How is management an art?

Q. How is management a science?

Q. How is management a profession?

Q. Is management a pure science? Explain.

Q. What are the different levels of management?

Q. Write the functions of different levels of management.

Q. What gives rise to the levels of management?

Q. What are the designations at different levels of management?

Q. What is relationship of different functions of management?

Q. What is coordination?

Q. Explain the features of management.

Q. Explain Coordination as the essence of management.

Q. What is the difference between coordination and co-operation?

Q. How is management a universal activity?

Q. Which force is considered as the essence of management?

Q. ‘Co-ordination’ is the essence of Management’ Explain.

Q “Mgt is Science as well as act”. Explain this statement.


Nature and Significance of Management Questions

Indirect/HOTS Questions

Q. Which term is associated with ‘Doing the task with minimum cost'?

Q. In order to be successful, an organization must change its goals according to the needs of the environment. Which characteristics of management are highlighted in this statement.

Q. To meet the objectives of the firm the Management of ABC Ltd. offers employment to physically challenged persons. Identify the objective it is trying to achieve.

Q. Which function of management bridges the gap between 'where we are and where we want to go.'

Q. Managerial activities are performed in all types of organizations in all departments at all levels. Which management characteristic is highlighted here?

Q. Name the function of management which establishes authority and responsibility relations?

Q. In which function of management standards are compared with actual performance?

Q. 'Anything minus management means nothing,' explain.

Q. Departmental manages are included at which level of management?

Q. Name the level of management for the following:

  • Chief manager.
  • Personnel manager.
  • Foreman

Q. ‘Survival, profit and growth', are which objectives of management?

Q. Every organization whether it is business or non-business should use environmental methods of production, give employment opportunities and provide basic amenities like schools to employees’ name the objective of management indicated here?

Q. 'The activities involved in managing an enterprise are common to all organizations whether social or political’ which characteristics of management is highlighted by this statement?

Q. What is PODSCORB?

Q. Your grandfather has retired where he is responsible for implementing the plans developed by the top management. At which level of management was he working?

Q. Your grandfather has retired as a Director of manufacturing company. At which level of management was he working?

Q. Mohit's father acts as Vice President in ABC Ltd. Name the level of management he is working? Explain any two functions performed by him?


Nature and Significance of Management Questions

Case Study Questions

Q. Mohit, manager of a Company has been given a target of producing 5,000 tables with 100 labourers at a cost of ₹500 each. However, he achieved the target by employing 150 labourers and produced the 5,000 tables at a cost of ₹550. What can you about effectiveness and efficiency?

Q. Management is a Profession like Accounting, Medicine and Law as it also has a well-defined body of knowledge. Yet management does not qualify to be a full-fledged profession. Why?

Q. Management of ABC Ltd. fulfils all its objectives, and the organization is able to work effectively and efficiently. It is disposing off the waste material either by recycling it or using the same for landfill in such a manner that the aquatic life is not disturbed. It also provides employment opportunities to the women and disabled persons.

  • Identify the objective of management of ABC Ltd. being fulfilled by doing the above activities.
  • State any two other objectives that this company should fulfill.
  • Identify any two values being depicted by this company.

Q. Golden Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing electrical appliances. The company has been facing lot of problems for the last few months because of chaos between two departments i.e. Production department and sales department. Sales department blames production department for delayed production. However, production department blames sales Department for poor sales. Identify the problem and discuss in detail its features.

Q. Akshat, General Manager in PQR Ltd., uses his knowledge of management in a unique and different manner and all the employees working under his guidance are happy and satisfied. He rewards the employees who come to office on time.

  • Identify the nature of management highlighted above.
  • State two other ways in which nature of management can be explained.
  • Identify the value that Akshat wants to inculcate in his employees.

Q. Raghav Ltd., a leading manufacturer of iron and steel decided to open up a new branch in remote area in Rajasthan and the unemployed youth from the rural areas could get same opportunities as those available in the urban areas. This initiative has raised the standard of living of people in rural areas.

  • Identify the objectivee of management highlighted in the above-mentioned case.
  • Give any two advantages of following the above objective.
  • Which values can be emphasized by following the above objective?

Q. In order to achieve target production of 6000 units per month, a Production Manager has to operate on double shifts. Due to power failure most of the time, the manager is able to achieve 4000 units, but at a higher production cost.

  • In your point of view, what is lacking in management?
  • Identify the values emphasised by management in the above-mentioned case.

Q. Management of Sangam Garments who is manufacturing t-shirts seeks to achieve different objectives like organizational, social and personal objectives. Under personal objectives, the management ensures maximum prosperity for employees by providing competitive salary, personal growth and development, peer recognition and societal recognition, good working conditions.

  • How will the above steps taken by the management benefit the individuals/employees?
  • How will it help the firm in achieving the organizational goals?

Nature and Significance of Management Questions

Write the values (positive or negative) involved the following cases.

(Not in CBSE pattern now)

Q. A Cloth manufacturer distributes its defective product free of cost after getting them repaired from Nari Niketan at lower cost to orphanage.

Q. An organization has production, purchase, marketing, finance and human resource departments. All of them working together to achieve organizational goals.

Q. A manufacturer of fridge has used new technology in place of using harmful gases, which do not cause air pollution.

Q. In a nursing home, the employees have been directed to put/throw different types of wastes like papers, plastics & chemicals in the respective earmarked dustbins.

Q.  An industrial unit, working in a backward area opens schools for education at nominal cost for the children of its employees and local people.

Q. A factory established in a residential locality, uses machines creating heavy noise while running.  Due to noise pollution student can’t study properly and residence can’t sleep/work properly. Patients in the nearby area also feel disturbed.

Q. A famous doctor charges high fees for consultation from all his patients and refuses to treat otherwise. He also takes gifts and commission from the medical representatives and agents of Pharma co.

Q. XYZ Ltd. a newly started company providing jobs to physically challenged people.

Q. A garment manufacturing firm gives a target of stitching 600 jackets in a month. In order to achieve this target, a worker wastes some inputs like clothes/fabric, thread, needles, electricity. So, labour costs have increased, and more maintenance of machines is required.


Nature and Significance of Management Questions

MCQs from CBSE Sample Papers:


The newly appointed Production Manager of Saheb Ltd., a firm manufacturing toys, Mr Ahrawat noticed that the workers in the factory were not giving their best as the physical conditions in the factory were not good. He conducted an experiment to see the effect of improvement in the physical conditions in the factory on the performance of the workers, by providing adequate ventilation and water facilities. He observed that the fatigue level of the workers reduced. The nature of management being highlighted in the above case is:

  1. *A. Management as science
  2. Management as profession
  3. Management as art
  4. Both, 1 and 3



Read the following statements: Assertion (A) and Reason(R). Choose the correct alternative from those given below:

ASSERTION (A): Management is concerned with efficient use of resources.

REASONING (R): For management both efficiency and effectiveness need to be balanced.


  1. Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  2. *Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
  3. Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is False
  4. Assertion (A) is False but Reason (R) is True



From the following which is not a relevant feature of management as science:

  1. Principles are based on the basis of experimentation
  2. Systematized body of knowledge
  3. *Based on practice and creativity
  4. Universal Validity



Identify the reason which makes management important in the light of the fact that it is generally seen that individuals in an organization resist change, as a change often means moving from a familiar, secure environment into a newer and a more challenging one.

  1. Management helps in achieving group goals.
  2. *Management creates a dynamic organization
  3. Management increases efficiency
  4. Management helps in the development of society



Alo a mobility platform is in the process of laying off 400-500 employees in a move aimed at driving cost efficiency. Which objective of management will the firm not be able to achieve by carrying out this process.

  1. Efficiency
  2. *Social
  3. Profit
  4. Survival


MCQs from CBSE Question Papers:


'Bonfast Cement Ltd.' supports 7 villages with housing facilities, schools, safe drinking water, health and hygiene. The company sends its employees to visit a nearby village every 15 days to provide support and to see whether the facilities provided are being implemented on ground. The objective which 'Bonfast Cement Ltd.' is trying to achieve is:

  1. Personal objective
  2. *Social objective
  3. Organizational objective
  4. Economic objective



Most of the organizations these days have adapted themselves to changing environment. To reach and engage with the target customers, they started to have a strong presence on social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc. From the following, identify the feature of management being highlighted:

  1. Management is a group activity.
  2. Management is a continuous process.
  3. Management is multidimensional.
  4. *Management is a dynamic function.



'Panmol Dairy' started using environment-friendly 'Bilona' method of making ghee, unlike other dairies which were using modern methods involving machines and chemicals. By doing this, ‘Panmol Dairy’ is providing employment to hundreds of illiterate people in the rural areas. Which objective of management is ‘Panmol Dairy' trying to achieve:

  1. National objective
  2. Personal objective
  3. *Social objective
  4. Economic objective



Aparna and Priyanka are working in ‘Shreya Industries’, a company dealing in readymade garments for women. Each of them was assigned the responsibility of producing 10 dresses each within 5 days at a cost of ₹ 1,000 per dress. Aparna was able to produce 10 dresses at a cost of ₹ 1,100 per dress within 5 days, whereas Priyanka was able to produce only 8 dresses at a cost of ₹ 900 per dress in 5 days. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the above?

  1. Aparna is efficient but Priyanka is effective.
  2. *Aparna is effective but Priyanka is efficient.
  3. Both Aparna and Priyanka are effective.
  4. Both Apana and Priyanka are efficient.



Which of the following is not a function of middle level management?

  1. To interpret the policies framed by the top management
  2. To ensure that their department has the necessary personnel
  3. *To coordinate the activities of different departments
  4. To assign necessary duties and responsibilities to the personnel in their departments


Nature and Significance of Management Questions

Case-based Question:

Read the following text and answer the following questions on the basis of the same:

Sana is the branch manager of ABC Handicrafts Pvt. Ltd. The company’s objective is to promote the sales of Indian handloom and handicraft products. It sells fabrics, furnishings, ready-mades and household items are made out of traditional Indian fabrics. Sana decides quantities, variety, colour and texture of all the above items and then allocates resources for their purchase form different suppliers. She appoints a team of designers and crafts people in the company, who developed some prints for bed covers in bright colour on silk. Although the products looked very attractive and impressive, they were relatively expensive on the front of affordability for an average customer. Sana suggested that they should keep the silk bed covers for special festive occasions and offer the cotton bed covers on a regular basis to keep costs under control.

Q.1 “She appoints a team of designers and crafts people in the company, who developed some prints for bed covers in bright colour on silk.” Which function of management is highlighted in this context?


*(B) Staffing

(C) Planning


Q.2 In the above case “company’s objective is to promote the sales of Indian handloom and handicraft products.” The above line focus on which feature of management.

(A)Management is an intangible force

*(B) Management is a goal-oriented process

(C) Management is pervasive in nature

(D)Management is a continuous process

Q.3 With reference to the above case, at which level of management Sana is working?

(A)Lower level

(B) Top level

*(C) Middle level

(D)Shop floor

Q.4 “Sana suggested that they should keep the silk bed covers for special festive occasions and offer the cotton bed covers on a regular basis to keep costs under control.”

Which function of management is highlighted in this context?

*(A) Controlling

(B) Staffing

(C) Organizing

(D) Planning


MCQs to Revise Business Studies Class 12

Nature and Significance of Management – Notes

Nature and Significance of Management – Brief Notes