Various values have been listed here that an examiner can use to include in a value based question paper. A student has to read the question thoroughly and understand it, try to find out the hidden values in the question. Scoring marks from this type of question is the easiest of all.

Students can have an idea of values from the simple list given below showing some of such values expected from the modern business- its management as well as its employees.

  1. Accomplishment
  2. Accountability - Responsibility of our actions affecting others.
  3. Accuracy- The precision, exactness, and conforming to fact in details of work.
  4. Achievement
  5. Action-Oriented
  6. Appreciation
  7. Balance- Maintaining life and work balance.
  8. Building up Confidence among Customers
  9. Careful- using precautions where needed.
  10. Caring- to consider others’ interests also.
  11. Cleanliness
  12. Collaboration- Collaborating within and outside the company to give the best.
  13. Commitment- bound by the goals.
  14. Community service- A sense of responsibility and contribution to society.
  15. Concern for human lives
  16. Concern for Hygiene
  17. Concern for Natural Resources
  18. Concerned for Unemployed Youth
  19. Consistency- stability in behaviour.
  20. Continuous Improvement in work methods.
  21. Cooperation (Teamwork)
  22. Coordination - between departments in terms of plans, activities, and systems.
  23. Courtesy
  24. Criticism- use genuine criticism only for the overall growth.
  25. Customer Delight-The positive emotional response of the customer.
  26. Daring- to favour what is right.
  27. Decisiveness- commitment to decisions once made.
  28. Dedicated- surrender himself to worthwhile objectives.
  29. Dependable- can be depended upon.
  30. Determined- bent on achieving the goals.
  31. Development of Backward Areas
  32. Discipline-adherence to company policy, rules etc.
  33. Discrimination- between good and bad, right and wrong.
  34. Diversity- Respecting the difference in education, experience, background etc.
  35. Efficiency- Completing the work at minimum cost.
  36. Empathy- capacity to see the things from others’ point of view.
  37. Empowerment- Empowering the employees to take initiative and give the best.
  38. Energetic-full of energy.
  39. Enthusiastic-eager to do the work.
  40. Entrepreneurial Spirit
  41. Equality
  42. Ethical Behaviour
  43. Excellence
  44. Fair Remuneration
  45. Fair Trade Practices
  46. Faithful
  47. Family Feeling
  48. Fearless
  49. Forgiveness
  50. Gender Equality
  51. Generous- takes the broader view of the things.
  52. Genuine
  53. Goodness (Doing Good)
  54. Grateful-Thankful.
  55. Happy
  56. Hard Working
  57. Harmony-Creating unity.
  58. Helpful
  59. High Level of Sincerity
  60. Holistic Development of Children
  61. Honesty in Dealings
  62. Hope
  63. Humanity
  64. Humility
  65. Imagination
  66. Initiative
  67. Innovation- To come out with new creative ideas that are beneficial to the society.
  68. Integrity-To act with honesty and integrity without compromising the truth.
  69. Intelligence
  70. Joyful
  71. Justice- fair treatment to others.
  72. Kindness
  73. Knowledge
  74. Leadership- The courage to influence others.
  75. Learning
  76. Loyalty-to and from suppliers, customers, and employees
  77. Mastery-perfection in work.
  78. Mental Revolution
  79. Merciful
  80. Motivation of Employees
  81. Neatness
  82. Noble
  83. Obedience
  84. Objective-lack of partiality or bias.
  85. Openness
  86. Opportunity
  87. Optimistic
  88. Optimum Use of Resources
  89. Orderliness
  90. Passion-Putting the heart and mind in the work to get the best.
  91. Peace
  92. Perfection in Work -Flawless, complete work.
  93. Perseverance- continuity.
  94. Persistent
  95. Planning
  96. Politeness
  97. Prevention of Malpractices
  98. Prosperity
  99. Providing Employment Opportunity
  100. Providing Good Work Culture
  101. Punctuality
  102. Quality (of Products and Services)
  103. Regularity
  104. Reliability- Dependability.
  105. Resourceful
  106. Respect for all Religions
  107. Respect for Employees Efforts
  108. Respect for Law
  109. Respect for Other’s Opinion
  110. Respect for Professional Ethics
  111. Respect-Giving due respect to self and others.
  112. Responsibility against Disadvantages Groups
  113. Responsibility; Taking- (not blaming)
  114. Risk Taking- Encouraging self and others to take risk for a bright future.
  115. Safety- Ensuring the trouble free experience.
  116. Self-Reliance
  117. Sense of Appreciation
  118. Service Excellence- Giving the best.
  119. Service to Society- environmental protection,
  120. Simplicity, Ease of Use
  121. Sincerity
  122. Social Responsibility
  123. Solving Problems of Society- in area of organization's interest and beyond
  124. Spirit of Team Work
  125. Stability
  126. Stand against Social Evils
  127. Standardization
  128. Strength
  129. Sympathy
  130. Systematization- Doing every work in some system and not trial and error method.
  131. Team Spirit
  132. Technology-Driven
  133. Timeliness- Things occurring at the most suitable time.
  134. Tolerance, Open-Mindedness
  135. Transparency in Work
  136. Trust-Trusting in others.
  137. Truth- Getting at the facts.
  138. Unity
  139. Will to succeed -in any aspect of life.
  140. Wisdom
  141. Women Empowerment

Class 11th and 12th Question Papers in Accountancy and Business Studies