12th Business Studies Viva Questions

Students often think about What can be asked in Class 12th Business Studies Practical?

C.B.S.E has prescribed the project guidelines in the syllabus of Business Studies. Questions are based on the project that students have prepared. The student must be fully conversant with the details of the work.

The main idea of asking viva questions is to check the authenticity of the work shown by student.

There is a variety of topics for preparing project in Business Studies. The questions asked will definitely vary with the topic.

Here, the sample questions relating to the most common topics have been given to give students an idea to prepare themselves:



  1. Why have you selected this product/service?
  2. Mention any two competitive brands that exist in the market.
  3. What permission and licences would be required to make this product?
  4. What do you mean by U.S.P.?
  5. What is the U.S.P. of your product/service?
  6. What are your competitor's U.S.P.?
  7. Does your product have any range ?
  8. What is the name of your product?
  9. Why have you assigned this name to your product?
  10. Enlist the main features of your product.
  11. Show me the ‘Label’ of your product.
  12. Show me the logo for your product.
  13. What is the tagline for your product?
  14. What is the difference between U.S.P. and tagline ?
  15. What is the selling price of your competitor’s product?
  16. How much do you want to charge from consumer/retailer/wholesaler?
  17. What rate of profit is expected from your product?
  18. What cost effective techniques will you follow for this product?
  19. How would you promote your product?
  20. What is patent?
  21. What is trademark?


Principles of Management

  1. Why have you selected this topic for your project?
  2. In which organisation did you study the application of the management principles?
  3. Why have you selected this organisation for your project?
  4. What do you understand by the principle of...........?
  5. What are the main advantages of principle of ..............?
  6. What are the main problems on violating principle of ..............?
  7. How did you collect the information for your study?
  8. Which tools have you used to collect the information?
  9. Did you have to get any prior approval from anyone for visiting this organisation?
  10. What problem did you face in this regard?
  11. What did you enjoy the most in conducting this study?
  12. Which principle have you found to be perfectly applicable in this case?
  13. Which principle did you find as not properly applicable in this case?
  14. What suggestions have you given to them, in order to improve the situation?

However, students are required to prepare concerned chapters from book also as External Examiner must satisfy himself about the work and knowledge of the student. When he is in doubt, he goes for asking other questions . So, a student should prepare both for Viva Questions.

A Final Advice to the Students:

  • Go prepared.
  • Be confident but polite.
  • Maintain Discipline.
  • Show Respect.

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