7 Super Tips to Attempt MCQs:

As C.B.S.E has prescribed including at least 25% MCQs in Final Board Exams. the students must understand the importance of the correct methods and tips required to attempt MCQs.

Best use of Reading Time:

You must first make the best use of reading time of 15 minutes before actually attempting the paper, to be provided to candidates. Use this time for reading long questions like case studies and source based questions.

You can follow these tips to make the best out of MCQs:

7 Super Tips to Attempt MCQs:

1. First, answer the questions you know, are easy.
2. Focus on the words 'normally', 'except', ' always', 'sometimes', 'correct', 'incorrect' in the question usually given at the end as these words alone can change the answer.
3. Pay special attention to ' All of the above ' and ' None of these'.
4. Follow the following steps in attempting MCQs.:
a. First, Read the body of the question, without looking at the options.
b. Try to answer it as if no options have been given.
c. Now read the options as answers and eliminate the wrong options.
d. Out of the seemingly correct options, choose the better option for the question.
e. Before finalizing the answer, read the question again with the your best option, to click the final button.
5. Attempt all the MCQs. There's no negative marking.
6. Prepare well for the exam.
7. Ultimately, Your concentration and calm are required in deciding the best option, as students are not going to get even half of the mark, they used to get in school, for writing at least something.

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