What Prevents Scoring High in Board Exams?What Prevents Students From Scoring High in Board Exams?

Whenever Board result is announced, many a students get depressed on getting the score which is below their expectations. It might be within their expectations but below the expectations of their parents and teachers. This further aggravates their problem.

Why some students don't score high in Board Exams:

Let’s try to find out the various reasons why some students don't score high in Board Exams. Some common reasons include:

Lack of motivation:

Students may not see the immediate relevance or importance of their studies, which can lead to a lack of motivation.


Modern technology and social media can be major distractions, diverting students' attention from their studies.

Stress and anxiety:

High levels of stress or anxiety can hinder a student's ability to focus and concentrate on their studies.

Poor time management:

Ineffective time management can lead to procrastination, wastage of time and poor study habits.

Personal issues:

Students may have personal problems or issues that affect their ability to focus on their studies.

Teaching methods:

In some cases, teaching methods or the classroom environment may not be engaging or effective for certain students.

Lack of effective study techniques:

Many students may not have developed effective study techniques, which can affect their ability to retain and apply knowledge effectively.

Mental Health Issues:

The stress of exams can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Peer Pressure:

Peer pressure can influence the study habits and priorities and sometimes diverting students from their study goals.

Pressure from parents:

There’s often a significant pressure from parents and society to excel academically ,which can be overwhelming.

Solutions - For Getting High Scores:

Addressing these issues often requires a multi-faceted approach i.e. combination of support from teachers, parents, and students themselves. Identifying the specific reasons for a student's lack of effort is most important in providing appropriate solutions and support.

Following solutions can be effective in dealing with the above mentioned problems:

Set clear goals:

Students must set their long term goal in life and short term goals in studies like what they have to achieve in life, what they would do and what they should be doing now. Then focus on syllabus for exams. They must set the sub-goals.


They must draw their inspiration for studies from persons who have great success stories and who have overcome similar challenges. If they have done so, so can you, students.


Promote a dedicated study environment free from distractions. Set aside time for studies as well as social interactions. Use mindfulness techniques to improve focus. Learn simple techniques to learn mindfulness.

Stress and Anxiety:

Use stress-relief practices into your study schedule, like meditation or yoga. It can be a simple walk to the plants or pet. Discuss your problems with your close ones.

Poor Time Management:

Learn and use time management skills through various online videos and articles. Create schedules and set priorities. Keep awareness of your time used on different activities, to find out the wasteful activities. Eliminate such wasteful activities from your schedule. Pomodoro Technique is the best solution in such cases.

Lack of Effective Study Techniques:

Learn study skills for particular subjects. Discuss peer-to-peer sharing of effective study strategies. Use good educational apps and online resources.

Peer Pressure:

Be aware of the impact of peer pressure. Don’t be trapped in negative peer influences. Accept the individual differences and respect the culture of acceptance and diversity. Every student has his own set of personality and circumstances. Make the best of everything in hand.

Pressure from Parents:

Parents should be aware about realistic academic expectations. They should not put undue pressure on their children. Students can do wonders with their support instead of negative pressure from parents. Understand the importance of balanced approach to education and well-being.

Pressure from Society:

Instead of bending yourself, challenge societal norms that place excessive pressure on your wellbeing and identity. Do your best and ignore the rest. Engage yourself in extracurricular activities and work for your holistic development.

Pursue your passions and interests:

When you would devote your attention and time to what matters to you, it would ultimately divert you from negative suckers of your energy and time.

Do your best that you can. Use best strategies of studies. Use best resources. Self-study is the ultimate solution. Take responsibility for your success.

Try to understand, No one can make you learn if you are not willing to learn and no one can stop you if you are willing to learn.

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