15 Changes Students Should Make To Study Effectively for Board Exams?

To score high in Board Exams, Students must make necessary changes in their routine habits so that they can make the best of their efforts.

Effective study habits can significantly improve students' scores. Here are 15 changes students should make to study effectively for board exams:

Set Clear Goals:

Define what you want to achieve in each study session or for a specific exam. It can be a unit of syllabus, a chapter, a topic or a sub-topic.

Create a Study Schedule:

Establish a routine that allocates time for each subject or topic. Spare that much time daily leaving less important tasks in hand. Consistency is key.

Active Learning:

Engage with the material actively. Take notes, ask questions, create mind maps, cartoons, create mnemonics to aid grasping and retention.

Use Multiple Resources:

Don't rely on a single textbook or source. Utilize various resources for difficult topics like videos, online articles, and practice exams.

Breaks and Rewards:

Take short breaks during study sessions and reward yourself for achieving milestones. It can be stationery article like a new pen, colourful notepad, a chocolate, a plant or anything else you like.

Organize Your Space:

Ensure your study area is clutter-free and well-organized to minimize distractions. But, all your necessary books, notes and stationery should be easily approachable.

Practice Problems:

For Accountancy and Economics subjects, solving problems is crucial for understanding. After solving problems of your main books, try solving problems from other reference books and test papers.

Teach Others:

Explaining concepts to someone else can help reinforce your understanding. If you cannot discuss with others, self-talk will do the wonders. Just imagine you are teaching another student.

Test Yourself:

Use practice tests and quizzes to assess your knowledge and identify weak areas. There are various self-test learning activities available to you for this purpose.

Healthy Lifestyle:

Prioritize sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet to keep your mind and body in good position and alert.

Minimize Distractions:

Turn off notifications, put away your phone, and block distracting websites during study time. Reserve a small duration daily for necessary social contacts but avoid wasteful gossips and scrolling.

Seek Help:

Don't hesitate to ask teachers or tutors for clarification if you're struggling with a topic. You can approach online resources for the same.

Review Regularly:

Periodically revisit older study material and topics to reinforce your memory. Instead of reading and learning a topic at a stretch, it would be better to revise such topic after a gap and do it again for long lasting memory of the same.

Mindfulness and Relaxation:

Techniques like meditation can help reduce stress and improve focus. The meditation should not be considered for spiritual purposes only. It also need not be in very complicated manner. Just focusing on the breathes for even five minutes will aid you to concentrate.

Stay Positive:

Maintain a positive mindset and believe in your ability to succeed. If you are doing your best, have faith in your efforts and expect the best outcome.

Remember that everyone's learning style is unique. Adapt these tips to fit your personal preferences and needs. Though you would not like to make all these changes at once, but following some of these many suggestions would definitely help you.

The Power of Self-Study: Your Key to Success in Board Exams