Functioning of brainSince all the human activities, mental as well as physical, are controlled by brain; it becomes important to understand the behavior of human brain. There have been numerous experiments and researches all over the world about the behavior of brain. Very interesting findings have been given by the researchers.

Behaviour of Human Brain

Some of these findings have been taken here which must be kept in mind to make learning easy and fun filled.

1. Human brain loves colour. So, coloured pens, pencils and other stationary items may be used for study purpose… underlining main points, writing headings etc.

2. Human brain can keep and maintain a focus on an average for 25 minutes to 30 minutes. So, after this time some short break must be taken.

3. Brain needs rest, to compensate the lost energy and the rest makes it easier to remember the things learnt.

4. It is easy to learn if brain gets answers to the questions. So, questions must be read first, whenever possible.

5. Brain needs oxygen. So deep breathing is very helpful for effective learning.

6. Brain needs space. All the articles around you should be well organized and properly placed.

7. All efforts should be made to relieve you from stress, to learn effectively.

8. Self talk is very important to make your brain sure that it wants to learn and it can learn.

9. Brain can be trained and strengthened; it works better with more use but with proper rest pauses at the right time.

10. Things can be learnt by repetition, for long lasting memory.

11. Brain is more active when the proper body posture is maintained. So, sit with back straight and chin up.

12.  Making connections and links can help the brain functioning better.

Above all, make every effort to make learning fun, as brain loves fun. Make the learning your journey to success.