BalanceIn times of more and more people suffering from tension and depression , emotional balance assumes a great importance. Intelligence Quotient is surely important in the process of learning and success. But what is more important these days, is Emotional Intelligence Quotient(EQ).

Emotional Quotient - Meaning

Emotional Quotient means different to different psychologists. But, in corporate world, Experts use EQ to define and check the emotional responses to different situations. The purpose of EQ testing is to know the prospective employee’s capability to adjust to various situations and handling these situations fruitfully.

We can use this definition to understand the importance of emotional balance specially these days of stressful life. A person must be emotionally stable to live successfully and happily.

Why is Emotional Balance required?

Emotional balance is required not only for an employee, but for every person, in whatever field he may be .He is an asset for himself as well as for others around him, at work place , at home or anywhere else. He is always in a better position to take wise decisions. Thus, he can make the best possible use of time, effort and money. His social environment is friendly and light in his presence. He is full of positive energy. Handling every adverse situation with ease is within his control. Here some practical tips to reach this Emotional Balance:

How to bring Emotional Balance?

First of all, make it a point not to react to any negative situation immediately. No person can reach a sound judgment in a state of mental disturbance. So, try to postpone the reaction. After that instant stage of being upset is over, come to that situation to handle it wisely. A negative emotion always clouds our thinking, so, don’t ever show your reaction or take a decision when you are upset.

Then make a strong determination not to focus on criticism. Just wait to calm down yourself and find out the reason of that criticism. If that reason sounds good to you also, try to eliminate it in future and improve yourself. It is for your own good. If it is out of jealousy only, be happy that you have something positive to be jealous for. Try to be friendly with the person who is doing so, to melt the jealousy.

Be bold enough to communicate effectively, when you feel you have to say something. When life presents you such situations, act prudently and say the right things at the right time to the right people.

Don’t keep on accumulating the negative emotions, as it is only the accumulated emotions that erupt like a volcano and produce dangerous results. Handle these negative emotions as they arise and free your mind once the negative state is over.

The best way is to assign regular time daily for meditation and physical exercises or walk. You can also be an asset for your family and for the society.