Our Philosophy

Commerceatease believes in ‘Self-help is the best help’. We at Commerceatease as 'Website for Self-Learning of Commerce' intend not only to improve the performance of students in Commerce subjects i.e. Accountancy and Business Studies but also help them become good students and good human beings. It is our promise to be a good friend and a guide to its users. To make its best use students must thoroughly read the guidance articles along with their textbooks and practice the numerical questions. The shortest route to success is Self-Study.

About Commerceatease
Commerceatease as a 'Website for Self-Learning of Commerce' came into existence to help students learn the Commerce subjects of Accountancy and Business Studies with ease. The purpose is to meet the needs of those students who do not want to depend on costly coaching services. The focus here is on Self-Study. Above all, It is there to meet a teacher’s urge to do something valuable for the society.



Commerce Aptitude Test for Class 10
Commerce Aptitude Test for Class 10
It is the need of the times, for the students willing to take Commerce stream after class 10. They can check their chances of success in Commerce stream.
NEP 2020 has given innumerable options to the students regarding choice of subjects. Ultimately, they have to focus on their long-range goals and career ahead.
This Commerce Aptitude Test is based on the experience of more than 35 years teaching the students with varied levels of intelligence. I hope, if a student attempts this test with calm mind It will take about 20 minutes to complete.
It is assumed that the student will opt for English Medium.
Though this Test is based on Professional Test and likely to give exact result, there is no guarantee of 100% accuracy of the conclusion. A student must work hard and put in his best efforts whatever subjects he takes.
You must also read the articles given in the links below.
TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes each
For best results attempt both.
Commerce Aptitude Test for Class 10
No. 1
No. 2
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